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Based on a historical experience in Information Systems education and research in our different universities, our research center is devoted to the continuous development of high-level competencies and expertise in the engineering and management of organisational information systems. We reach this objective by :

  • A research policy favoring academic excellence and recognition through publications in top-ranking journals ;
  • A strong anchor in the corporate world through applied research projects and educational partnerships (e.a. with SAP, IBM,…) ;
  • A master program dedicated to information management where many members of the center are involved ;
  • Participation in various executive education programs at an international level as well as organisation of training days especially dedicated to local economic stakeholders (as e-business days, for instance).

The expertise of the center members allow the study of organisational information systems both from a managerial and from an engineering perspective. Such a cross-disciplinary approach is essential in a field where a focus on a single side has long led to myopic research results, neglecting either the organisation needs or the technological constraints. We believe in the strength and the necessity of cross-disciplinarity for developing new knowledge in the recently growing axes of this field.

In particular, we aim at focusing our common research effort on computer-based services. As a matter of fact, the evolution of our economy demonstrates the rising importance of services, information systems playing an important role in this trend. Famous IT companies (IBM, HP, etc.) have underlined the necessity to develop cross-disciplinary knowledge in this field. Our center intends to contribute to this development.

Contact :
Prof. Manuel Kolp
SSH/LouRIM-Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
Place des Doyens 1 bte L2.01.02
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve