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ELIC/TECLIM seminar : Insolation triggered abrupt climate changes at the end of interglacials by Qiuzhen Yin28 Sepby teams
Participez à une étude scientifique sur le bain de forêt !24 Sep25 SepQuels sont les effets d’un bain de forêt ? Pour le savoir, une étude scientifique est menée par Quentin Ponette, professeur à la Faculté des bioingénieurs, en collaboration avec l’Université de Gand, la KU Leuven et des équipes de toute l'Europe. Plus d'infoEn savoir plusParticipez à une étude scientifique sur le bain de forêt !24 Sep25 SepQuels sont les effets d’un bain de forêt ? Pour le savoir, une étude scientifique est menée par Quentin Ponette, professeur à la Faculté des bioingénieurs, en collaboration avec l’Université de Gand, la KU Leuven et des équipes de toute l'Europe. Plus d'info
Delivering zero deforestation : How governance interventions in agro-food commodity supply chains can foster sustainable land use22 SepAgro-food commodity consumption is intricately linked to the loss of the planet’s forests. Complex, global agro-food supply chains, which are shaped by globalization processes, tie distant places together, causing consumption in one region to affect land-use in another region, in particular, to drive deforestation.En savoir plusDelivering zero deforestation : How governance interventions in agro-food commodity supply chains can foster sustainable land use22 SepAgro-food commodity consumption is intricately linked to the loss of the planet’s forests. Complex, global agro-food supply chains, which are shaped by globalization processes, tie distant places together, causing consumption in one region to affect land-use in another region, in particular, to drive deforestation.
Re)-découvrir le bois de Lauzelle, lieu de détente et de recherche12 SepOù se cachent-elles ? Comment risquons de les rencontrer ? Vous le savez, les tiques, il vaut mieux les garder à distance! Alors, si vous voulez en savoir plus à ce sujet, rendez-vous au bois de Lauzelle, dimanche 12 septembre. Nos chercheurs et chercheuses seront présent·es pour parler des tiques, mais pas uniquement.En savoir plusRe)-découvrir le bois de Lauzelle, lieu de détente et de recherche12 SepOù se cachent-elles ? Comment risquons de les rencontrer ? Vous le savez, les tiques, il vaut mieux les garder à distance! Alors, si vous voulez en savoir plus à ce sujet, rendez-vous au bois de Lauzelle, dimanche 12 septembre. Nos chercheurs et chercheuses seront présent·es pour parler des tiques, mais pas uniquement.
25th Conference of Food Microbiology07 Sep08 SepBelgian Society for Food Microbiology: 25th conference The association aims to: Spread scientific knowledge about food microbiology Create a network of professionals engaged in food microbiology Become a national and international point of contact for, and a representative of, academic food microbiology A variety of activities will be organized to promote these aims.En savoir plus25th Conference of Food Microbiology07 Sep08 SepBelgian Society for Food Microbiology: 25th conference The association aims to: Spread scientific knowledge about food microbiology Create a network of professionals engaged in food microbiology Become a national and international point of contact for, and a representative of, academic food microbiology A variety of activities will be organized to promote these aims.
Genomic study of hybridization and introgression between two annual plant species by Khaled Mirzaei02 SepThe general framework of this work is study of hybridization between two Rhinanthus species (Orobanchaceae), Rhinanthus minor L. and Rhinanthus major using advanced genomics tools. These species are annual hemi-parasitic plants in which hybridization and introgression have been documented before.En savoir plusGenomic study of hybridization and introgression between two annual plant species by Khaled Mirzaei02 SepThe general framework of this work is study of hybridization between two Rhinanthus species (Orobanchaceae), Rhinanthus minor L. and Rhinanthus major using advanced genomics tools. These species are annual hemi-parasitic plants in which hybridization and introgression have been documented before.
Mechanisms driving precipitation changes in North Africa under past, present and future climate by Arab Djebbar01 SepWater scarcity as well as droughts are recurring phenomenons in North Africa and extended dry periods can have a serious impact on economic and social structures as well as the natural environment.En savoir plusMechanisms driving precipitation changes in North Africa under past, present and future climate by Arab Djebbar01 SepWater scarcity as well as droughts are recurring phenomenons in North Africa and extended dry periods can have a serious impact on economic and social structures as well as the natural environment.
Explaining agriculture and forest dynamics : from economic structures to agents' expectations by Virginia Rodriguez Garcia31 AugIn the context of growing societal demands for land-based products, pressure on forest and agricultural areas is increasing.En savoir plusExplaining agriculture and forest dynamics : from economic structures to agents' expectations by Virginia Rodriguez Garcia31 AugIn the context of growing societal demands for land-based products, pressure on forest and agricultural areas is increasing.
Temperature rise and water stress effects on four bee-pollinated species and impacts on bumblebee foraging behaviour by Charlotte Descamps25 AugLes changements climatiques impactent les écosystèmes à l’échelle du globe. Dans les régions tempérées, on constate depuis plusieurs décennies des modifications climatiques telles que des sécheresses plus fréquentes ainsi qu’une température moyenne plus élevée. Or, ces deux paramètres - la disponibilité en eau et la température - sont fondamentaux pour le développement des plantes.En savoir plusTemperature rise and water stress effects on four bee-pollinated species and impacts on bumblebee foraging behaviour by Charlotte Descamps25 AugLes changements climatiques impactent les écosystèmes à l’échelle du globe. Dans les régions tempérées, on constate depuis plusieurs décennies des modifications climatiques telles que des sécheresses plus fréquentes ainsi qu’une température moyenne plus élevée. Or, ces deux paramètres - la disponibilité en eau et la température - sont fondamentaux pour le développement des plantes.
Microbial dynamics in the aquatic environments of a nuclear reactor by Valérie Van Eesbeeck09 JulNuclear reactors waters are typically maintained in ultrapure state and are exposed to varying levels of radiation. Despite the extremely challenging conditions, microorganisms have been previously detected in these environments.En savoir plusMicrobial dynamics in the aquatic environments of a nuclear reactor by Valérie Van Eesbeeck09 JulNuclear reactors waters are typically maintained in ultrapure state and are exposed to varying levels of radiation. Despite the extremely challenging conditions, microorganisms have been previously detected in these environments.