Archive of past events of the site Institute Of NeuroScience
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Open Science training courses26 AprDear PhD students, Yves Deville (EPL), Joëlle Desterbecq (Research Data Officer) and Laurent Gatto (DDUV) are launching an Open Science training course for young researchers.En savoir plusOpen Science training courses26 AprDear PhD students, Yves Deville (EPL), Joëlle Desterbecq (Research Data Officer) and Laurent Gatto (DDUV) are launching an Open Science training course for young researchers.
Public defence of Mrs Fanny Fievez (LEW)25 AprThe IoNS and the COSY Division are pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mrs Fanny FIEVEZ that will take place on Thursday April, 25th at 6:00 PM in the Auditorium B51 (LEW). Title:“ How urgency shapes motor behavior”En savoir plusPublic defence of Mrs Fanny Fievez (LEW)25 AprThe IoNS and the COSY Division are pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mrs Fanny FIEVEZ that will take place on Thursday April, 25th at 6:00 PM in the Auditorium B51 (LEW). Title:“ How urgency shapes motor behavior”
Louvain Welcome Desk - April Welcome session25 AprYou started a research stay at UCLouvain in the last 3 months. First of all, welcome ! You may still have practical questions about living in Belgium or working at UCLouvain. The Louvain Welcome Desk (LWD) is there to help you ! The LWD is UCLouvain’s Euraxess service center for researchers in mobility.En savoir plusLouvain Welcome Desk - April Welcome session25 AprYou started a research stay at UCLouvain in the last 3 months. First of all, welcome ! You may still have practical questions about living in Belgium or working at UCLouvain. The Louvain Welcome Desk (LWD) is there to help you ! The LWD is UCLouvain’s Euraxess service center for researchers in mobility.
SIG PAIN Conference - E Hermans and E Masquelier24 AprSIG PAIN Conference Speakers: Pr Emmanuel Hermans and Pr Etienne Masquelier Title: Aberrant glial activation and chronic pain. Potential conservative and pharmacological treatment avenues.En savoir plusSIG PAIN Conference - E Hermans and E Masquelier24 AprSIG PAIN Conference Speakers: Pr Emmanuel Hermans and Pr Etienne Masquelier Title: Aberrant glial activation and chronic pain. Potential conservative and pharmacological treatment avenues.
Cognition and Action - Spring workshop 202424 AprYou are kindly invited to the Cognition and Action - Spring workshop 2024 Wednesday, April 24th - UCLouvain - Auditoire central 51 B (LEW) from 2:00 PM to 6:10 PM Thursday, April 25th – ULB - Salle Multimédia UB2-139, Avenue A.En savoir plusCognition and Action - Spring workshop 202424 AprYou are kindly invited to the Cognition and Action - Spring workshop 2024 Wednesday, April 24th - UCLouvain - Auditoire central 51 B (LEW) from 2:00 PM to 6:10 PM Thursday, April 25th – ULB - Salle Multimédia UB2-139, Avenue A.
Open Science training courses19 AprDear PhD students, Yves Deville (EPL), Joëlle Desterbecq (Research Data Officer) and Laurent Gatto (DDUV) are launching an Open Science training course for young researchers.En savoir plusOpen Science training courses19 AprDear PhD students, Yves Deville (EPL), Joëlle Desterbecq (Research Data Officer) and Laurent Gatto (DDUV) are launching an Open Science training course for young researchers.
SIG PAIN Conference - Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse (ULiège)17 AprSIG PAIN Conference Speaker: Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse (Université de Liège) Title: "How we can use non ordinary states of consciousness to modulate pain perception".En savoir plusSIG PAIN Conference - Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse (ULiège)17 AprSIG PAIN Conference Speaker: Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse (Université de Liège) Title: "How we can use non ordinary states of consciousness to modulate pain perception".
NEUR Monthly Seminar16 AprThe NEUR Division is pleased to invite you to the next NEUR seminar which will take place on Tuesday 16th of April, in the ICP 2 room, from 12.30 to 13.30 pm. The speaker will be Prof. Maria Roberta Cilio from the Clinical Neuroscience - NEUR (lab. Roberta Cilio). The title of her talk is: « Deep phenotyping, functional studies, and precision medicine in neonatal epilepsies. »En savoir plusNEUR Monthly Seminar16 AprThe NEUR Division is pleased to invite you to the next NEUR seminar which will take place on Tuesday 16th of April, in the ICP 2 room, from 12.30 to 13.30 pm. The speaker will be Prof. Maria Roberta Cilio from the Clinical Neuroscience - NEUR (lab. Roberta Cilio). The title of her talk is: « Deep phenotyping, functional studies, and precision medicine in neonatal epilepsies. »
Open Science training courses12 AprDear PhD students, Yves Deville (EPL), Joëlle Desterbecq (Research Data Officer) and Laurent Gatto (DDUV) are launching an Open Science training course for young researchers.En savoir plusOpen Science training courses12 AprDear PhD students, Yves Deville (EPL), Joëlle Desterbecq (Research Data Officer) and Laurent Gatto (DDUV) are launching an Open Science training course for young researchers.
Prix 2023 Allard-Janssen - Pr Frédéric Lecouvet11 AprLe professeur Didier Lambert, recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain, le professeur Frédéric Houssiau, vice-recteur du Secteur des sciences de la santé, le professeur Jean-Christophe Renauld, prorecteur à la recherche, la professeure Nathalie Delzenne, coordinatrice à la recherche et à l'international du Secteur des sciences de la santé, le professeur Jean-Louis Vanoverschelde, directeur méEn savoir plusPrix 2023 Allard-Janssen - Pr Frédéric Lecouvet11 AprLe professeur Didier Lambert, recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain, le professeur Frédéric Houssiau, vice-recteur du Secteur des sciences de la santé, le professeur Jean-Christophe Renauld, prorecteur à la recherche, la professeure Nathalie Delzenne, coordinatrice à la recherche et à l'international du Secteur des sciences de la santé, le professeur Jean-Louis Vanoverschelde, directeur mé