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Actualité de Pascal08 DecActualité de Pascal Le Vendredi 8 décembre aura lieu un Colloque co-organisé par Maxime Allard (Collège universitaire dominicain), Aurélien Chukurian (UCLouvain) et Mitia Rioux-Beaune (Université d'Ottawa). Cet événement sera déroulera à l'Université d'Ottawa.En savoir plusActualité de Pascal08 DecActualité de Pascal Le Vendredi 8 décembre aura lieu un Colloque co-organisé par Maxime Allard (Collège universitaire dominicain), Aurélien Chukurian (UCLouvain) et Mitia Rioux-Beaune (Université d'Ottawa). Cet événement sera déroulera à l'Université d'Ottawa.
Post Darwinian Societies Seminar #1107 DecTitre : Social norms evolving Résumé Following Lewis’ (1969) seminal account of conventions, several scholars have used game theory to shed light on how social norms evolve. In my talk I will show that the way in which this is done also has evolved.En savoir plusPost Darwinian Societies Seminar #1107 DecTitre : Social norms evolving Résumé Following Lewis’ (1969) seminal account of conventions, several scholars have used game theory to shed light on how social norms evolve. In my talk I will show that the way in which this is done also has evolved.
Le Cynisme philosophique : de Diogène à Lucien07 Dec08 DecLe Cynisme philosophique: de Diogène à Lucien Programme Jeudi 7 décembre 10:30 – Opening words, by Pierre Destrée & Aaron Kachuck 11:00 – Helen Small (Oxford): Nietzsche's cynicism and its legacy 14:00 – Jordi Pià-Comella (Neuchâtel): Cynicism in the Late Roman Republic 15:30 – Philip Bosman (Stellenbosh): Lucian and the Cynics of the Imperial Period 17:00 – Eric Brown (U.En savoir plusLe Cynisme philosophique : de Diogène à Lucien07 Dec08 DecLe Cynisme philosophique: de Diogène à Lucien Programme Jeudi 7 décembre 10:30 – Opening words, by Pierre Destrée & Aaron Kachuck 11:00 – Helen Small (Oxford): Nietzsche's cynicism and its legacy 14:00 – Jordi Pià-Comella (Neuchâtel): Cynicism in the Late Roman Republic 15:30 – Philip Bosman (Stellenbosh): Lucian and the Cynics of the Imperial Period 17:00 – Eric Brown (U.
Short and Sharp Seminar - The Four Freedoms of the EU07 Dec"The aim of this seminar is to present some preliminary results of the MSCA project EUFREEDOMS, and to discuss them with renowned academics in the political theory of the EU. EUFREEDOMS aims to examine the philosophical underpinnings of the four freedoms of the EU internal market (the free movement of persons, goods, capital, and services).En savoir plusShort and Sharp Seminar - The Four Freedoms of the EU07 Dec"The aim of this seminar is to present some preliminary results of the MSCA project EUFREEDOMS, and to discuss them with renowned academics in the political theory of the EU. EUFREEDOMS aims to examine the philosophical underpinnings of the four freedoms of the EU internal market (the free movement of persons, goods, capital, and services).
Who Should Be Employed? Job Distrivution in the Era of Automation05 Dec
XXII Simposio dell’Osservatorio Scientifico05 Dec07 DecEgemonia e perifericità nelle scritture autobiografiche: testi, contesti, visibilità Présentation La sociologie et l’anthropologie ont accordé une valeur croissante aux patrimoines autobiographiques dans la conception et la construction de l’histoire. Beaucoup d’organismes archivent les témoignages individuels.En savoir plusXXII Simposio dell’Osservatorio Scientifico05 Dec07 DecEgemonia e perifericità nelle scritture autobiografiche: testi, contesti, visibilità Présentation La sociologie et l’anthropologie ont accordé une valeur croissante aux patrimoines autobiographiques dans la conception et la construction de l’histoire. Beaucoup d’organismes archivent les témoignages individuels.
Theology and Politics in Akbarī Thought05 DecIbn ʿArabī’s K. al-Tadbīrāt al-ilāhiyya Mardi 5 décembre 2023, 13:00-15:00 ISP, Collège Mercier, B126-128 ou online Contact : Gregory VandammeEn savoir plusTheology and Politics in Akbarī Thought05 DecIbn ʿArabī’s K. al-Tadbīrāt al-ilāhiyya Mardi 5 décembre 2023, 13:00-15:00 ISP, Collège Mercier, B126-128 ou online Contact : Gregory Vandamme
Body and Symbol: Pictorial and Textual Talismans in the Early Modern Ibero-American World04 DecIntervenant : José Vieira Leitão, University of Coimbra, Faculty of Humanities, Center for the History of Society and Culture ( Titre : "Corps et Symbole : Talismans Picturaux et Textuels dans le Monde Ibéro-Américain du Début de l'Époque Moderne"("Body and Symbol: Pictorial and Textual Talismans in the Early Modern Ibero-American World") Organisation: Patrícia CalvárEn savoir plusBody and Symbol: Pictorial and Textual Talismans in the Early Modern Ibero-American World04 DecIntervenant : José Vieira Leitão, University of Coimbra, Faculty of Humanities, Center for the History of Society and Culture ( Titre : "Corps et Symbole : Talismans Picturaux et Textuels dans le Monde Ibéro-Américain du Début de l'Époque Moderne"("Body and Symbol: Pictorial and Textual Talismans in the Early Modern Ibero-American World") Organisation: Patrícia Calvár
Taking political thought seriously. How to investigate the production, circulation and use of political ideas28 NovMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Mathieu Hauchecorne How are political ideas produced? How do they circulate between different sectors of the social world, or between countries? Why do some ideas endure or become dominant while others disappear? What links do political theory and academic knowledge have with ordinary political discourse?En savoir plusTaking political thought seriously. How to investigate the production, circulation and use of political ideas28 NovMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Mathieu Hauchecorne How are political ideas produced? How do they circulate between different sectors of the social world, or between countries? Why do some ideas endure or become dominant while others disappear? What links do political theory and academic knowledge have with ordinary political discourse?