Archive of past events of the site Institute of Political Science Louvain-Europe (ISPOLE)
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Défense publique - Irénée Fogno Chédjou02 OctLe recteur de l'université fait savoir que Irénée Fogno Chédjou soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation en vue de l'obtention du grade de Doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie. Alberto Moravia: viaggi, motivazioni e rappresentazione dell’alterità orientale e africana nei suoi racconti di viaggio Abstract Le voyage sous ses nombreuses formes est une actEn savoir plusDéfense publique - Irénée Fogno Chédjou02 OctLe recteur de l'université fait savoir que Irénée Fogno Chédjou soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation en vue de l'obtention du grade de Doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie. Alberto Moravia: viaggi, motivazioni e rappresentazione dell’alterità orientale e africana nei suoi racconti di viaggio Abstract Le voyage sous ses nombreuses formes est une act
Séminaire général ISPOLE28 SepExplorations into the Language of Conflict Stéphane Baele (Professeur, UCLouvain) : Benjamin Chemouni (professeur, UCLouvain) et Marion Jacques (doctorante, UCLouvain). Language plays several critical roles in political conflict.En savoir plusSéminaire général ISPOLE28 SepExplorations into the Language of Conflict Stéphane Baele (Professeur, UCLouvain) : Benjamin Chemouni (professeur, UCLouvain) et Marion Jacques (doctorante, UCLouvain). Language plays several critical roles in political conflict.
Séminaire Général ISPOLE28 SepExplorations into the Language of Conflict Stéphane Baele (Professeur, UCLouvain) : Benjamin Chemouni (professeur, UCLouvain) et Marion Jacques (doctorante, UCLouvain) Language plays several critical roles in political conflict.En savoir plusSéminaire Général ISPOLE28 SepExplorations into the Language of Conflict Stéphane Baele (Professeur, UCLouvain) : Benjamin Chemouni (professeur, UCLouvain) et Marion Jacques (doctorante, UCLouvain) Language plays several critical roles in political conflict.
Défense publique - Laura Uyttendaele14 SepLe Recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain fait savoir que Laura Uyttendaele soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation pour l'obtention du grade de Doctorat en sciences politiques et sociales “ Unpacking the Impact of Voting Advice Applications on Pre-Voters’ Political Attitudes : An Experimental Field Study on the Effects of the Test électoral éducatif in Walloon Schools in 2020 ”En savoir plusDéfense publique - Laura Uyttendaele14 SepLe Recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain fait savoir que Laura Uyttendaele soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation pour l'obtention du grade de Doctorat en sciences politiques et sociales “ Unpacking the Impact of Voting Advice Applications on Pre-Voters’ Political Attitudes : An Experimental Field Study on the Effects of the Test électoral éducatif in Walloon Schools in 2020 ”
Ad-hoc ISPOLE seminar: Learning Politics Anew: How Public Programs Shapes Immigrants’ Political Integration14 SepWe will have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Valérie-Anne Mahéo (ULaval) for an ad-hoc ISPOLE seminar on Thursday 14 September 2023. She will present a paper entitled “Learning Politics Anew: How Public Programs Shapes Immigrants’ Political Integration” Abstract This study addresses an important question: How does the State facilitate or hinder immigrants’ political integration?En savoir plusAd-hoc ISPOLE seminar: Learning Politics Anew: How Public Programs Shapes Immigrants’ Political Integration14 SepWe will have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Valérie-Anne Mahéo (ULaval) for an ad-hoc ISPOLE seminar on Thursday 14 September 2023. She will present a paper entitled “Learning Politics Anew: How Public Programs Shapes Immigrants’ Political Integration” Abstract This study addresses an important question: How does the State facilitate or hinder immigrants’ political integration?
EUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops Introductory session: Mapping social sciences methods12 SepEUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops - Introductory session - "Mapping social sciences methods: How to handpick the methodological toolbox(es) that meet(s) your needs?" In September, UCLouvain will host the EUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops, an event organized as part of the EU funded EUVIP project (EU in a volatile Indo-Pacific) with the support of the ISPOLE Institute through tEn savoir plusEUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops Introductory session: Mapping social sciences methods12 SepEUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops - Introductory session - "Mapping social sciences methods: How to handpick the methodological toolbox(es) that meet(s) your needs?" In September, UCLouvain will host the EUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops, an event organized as part of the EU funded EUVIP project (EU in a volatile Indo-Pacific) with the support of the ISPOLE Institute through t
EUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops12 Sep15 SepDo you want to broaden your research skills in political sciences?En savoir plusEUVIP Methods Skill-Building Workshops12 Sep15 SepDo you want to broaden your research skills in political sciences?
Bureau ISPOLE11 Sep
EUVIP-Research Day: Navigating Indo-Pacific Future Dynamics: What Implications for Regional Powers?11 SepThe EUVIP Research Day "Navigating Indo-Pacific Future Dynamics: What Implications for Regional Powers?" will take place on Monday 11 September 2023 afternoon in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). This event is part of the EUVIP project (EU funded) with the support of the Institute of Political Science Louvain-Europe. The workshops will take place from 13:30 to 16:45, Room Leclercq 93 (Collège JEn savoir plusEUVIP-Research Day: Navigating Indo-Pacific Future Dynamics: What Implications for Regional Powers?11 SepThe EUVIP Research Day "Navigating Indo-Pacific Future Dynamics: What Implications for Regional Powers?" will take place on Monday 11 September 2023 afternoon in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). This event is part of the EUVIP project (EU funded) with the support of the Institute of Political Science Louvain-Europe. The workshops will take place from 13:30 to 16:45, Room Leclercq 93 (Collège J
Défense publique - Ramon van der Does01 SepLe Recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain fait savoir que Ramon van der Does soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences politiques et sociales “Homo, hunter-gatherer, Habermas: An inquiry into deliberation and human nature” Abstract Many political theorists and pundits deplore the way we talk politics.En savoir plusDéfense publique - Ramon van der Does01 SepLe Recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain fait savoir que Ramon van der Does soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences politiques et sociales “Homo, hunter-gatherer, Habermas: An inquiry into deliberation and human nature” Abstract Many political theorists and pundits deplore the way we talk politics.