Staff policy
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A staff policy for a satisfying and fulfilling working environment.
You are one of 6,000 UCLouvain staff members. Every day, you contribute to fulfilling the missions of our university. Each and every one of you is its greatest strength. UCLouvain has adopted* a staff policy because it wants to create a quality working environment.
The text, validated by all of the institution’s bodies, is based on five pairs of values that are considered essential. These values are the fundamental pillars of how we operate, work, and live together within the university. They constitute an ideal to strive for , a course to maintain, together.
* The policy text has been endorsed by the Academic Council, the Works Council, and the Board of Governors.UCLouvain has adopted a staff policy based on five pairs of values, which stem from the premise that the university’s most important asset is its staff. In accordance with legal requirements and by agreement with the union delegation, these values constitute the keystone for the principles, practices and tools that contribute to the management of all university staff.