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Evaluation of course impact at professional level

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Evaluation of graduates’ professional integration

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UCLouvain conducts surveys among graduates in order to collect their perceptions. Since 2018, these surveys have been conducted online every two years in January.



  • Knowing what becomes of graduates.
  • Offering courses and services that prepare bachelor’s and master’s students to join the labour force.

Target audience

The invitation to participate in the survey is sent online simultaneously to two cohorts:

  • those who graduated one and a half years ago;
  • those who graduated five and a half years ago.


The questionnaire consists of:

  • a standardised section;
  • a section of specific questions added by the faculty.

Using the results

At the end of the survey, each faculty dean:

  • receives raw reports presenting results for the whole faculty and for each 120-credit master’s programme;
  • receives a comparative analysis report with a summary and graphic presentation of the main results of the faculty’s programmes; this analysis presented orally to the faculty;
  • has access to results presented by programme within the dashboard application available to deans and programme managers;
  • uses the results to make, implement and communicate decisions to stakeholders.

Summary reports presenting the results of all faculties are also transmitted to the authorities.

More information on graduate surveys (intranet, French only)

Evaluation of the impact of a continuing education programme

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The impact evaluation is carried out at the end of each continuing education programme.

It focuses on:

  • participant learning outcomes;
  • organisational impact on participant’s employer.

Using the results

  • The academic manager is empowered to take all decisions to improve programme quality, quality management being one of his/her prerogatives.
  • The collected data allows authorities in charge of incentives for continuing education to determine accountability (education vouchers, educational leave).
  • The faculty intervenes at the time of accreditation in order to ensure the course conforms to the institution’s quality criteria and the faculty’s priorities.

More information on the pedagogical development of continuing education systems (intranet, French only)

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