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Michael E. Mann

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Michael E. Mann

Michael E. Mann, 56, is an American climatologist and geophysicist and current director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University. He specialises in methods for reconstructing climate change and was a lead author of the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment Report. He was named one of the 50 most influential people by Bloomberg News in 2013 and was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences in 2020.

He has contributed to the scientific understanding of climate change through the development of techniques to better highlight significant trends in climate data and thus raise awareness of the temperature increase over the past few centuries. He is also a co-founder and contributor to the climate science blog RealClimate. In early 2019, he was awarded the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for the environment.

Mann is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and five books, including The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy (2016), co-authored with Tom Toles, and forthcoming in 2022 The Tantrum That Saved the World, a “carbon-neutral children’s book”.

Renowned for the excellence of his analyses and modelling, Mann defends the veracity of scientific facts against the manipulations of climate sceptics.

Michael E. Mann's activities

Michael E. Mann will participate in discovery activities open to the public during his stay at UCLouvain.


Discover Michael E. Mann through a podcast hosted by his academic sponsor, Professor François Massonnet.

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Timeline through Michael E. Mann's career

Mann's career has been devoted to understanding the factors causing observed climate fluctuations on decadal to millenial timescales, as well as their impacts. With his co-authors, he discovered the famous 'hockey stick' curve that depicts the dramatic increase in temperature during the 20th century. Facing a storm of denialism campaigns in the 2000s, has become a leading public figure in the climate debate.

This timeline is an interactive journey through Mann's exceptional career. Enjoy!