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Universidade Catolica Portuguesa

esl | Louvain-la-Neuve

UCP in a snapshot
Created in 1967, the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa has established its position through its high quality teaching, demanding training programmes, the prestige of its lecturers, and the many leading managers, lawyers, officials, businessmen it has taught and who have been successful both in Portugal and internationally.

Main features
Two programs are offered.

The joint master program JD UCL UNamur UCP / Research focus

  • offers professional skills and an advanced understanding of economic problems, both from a theoretical and an applied perspective
  • prepares for high skilled jobs in the private sector, in governmental and international agencies as well as for an academic career
  • students spend their first year in Portugal and their second year in Belgium.

The joint master program JD UCL UNamur  UCP / General Economics (Professional focus)

  • offers professional skills and an advanced understanding of economic problems, both from a theoretical and an applied perspective
  • programme adressed to students who wish to specialize in one particular track (Fluctuations, Growth and Globalisation - Development Economics - Financial Economics - Economy and Society - etc)
  • students spend their first year in Portugal and their second year in Belgium.

Specific program regulations

    Catarina Marvão

    Catarina Marvão

    The Double Degree in Economics between Lisbon and Louvain is unquestionably an exceptional experience that could happen nowhere else and at no other stage in your life and it could not have prepare

    Catarina Marvão
    Graduated in September 2009 and is currently at the Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

    Joël Machado

    Joël Machado

    Participating in the joint degree with FCEE was an extraordinary experience.

    Joël Machado
    Graduated in September 2010 and is currently a teaching assistant and PhD student at UCL Economics School of Louvain