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Louvain Bionics Members' Expertise :



Name Keywords    
Frédéric Crevecoeur Applied mathematics, biomechanics UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Bruno Dehez  MATLAB Simulation, Optimization, Robotics, System Modeling, Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Benoît Herman Design of mechatronic and robotic devices.  UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Sébastien Jodogne Health informatics, software engineering, clinical data interoperability, medical imaging UCLouvain's Directory  
John Aldo Lee Artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Medical imaging, Medical physics, Radiation oncology UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Philippe Lefèvre Perception and action in complex dynamic environment UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Benoît Macq Image compression and watermarking. Image analysis for medical and immersive communications. UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Renaud Ronsse Lower-limb prostheses, rehabilitation robotics, human-robot interactions, humanoid robotics, locomotion, motor control. UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Michel Verleysen

Machine learning, Feature selection, Data visualization and dimensionality reduction, Biomedical data and signal analysis

UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Mylène Botbol-Baum Biomedical ethics UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Olivier Collignon  Crossmodal perception and Plasticity UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Martin G. Edwards Relationships and neural processes of perception and action behaviour. Use of technology for treatment and measure. UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Valérie Goffaux Face perception, Human Visual Neuroscience  UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Mark Hunyadi Applied and fondamental philosophy, bioethics, trans-/post-humanism  UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Christophe Lazaro Bioethics, trans-humanism  UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Alain Loute Bioethics, clinical ethics, ethical issues related to e-health UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Sylvie Nozaradan Brain mechanisms underlying musical rhythm processing UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Jolijn Vanderauwera

Neuroplastic changes in the developmental brain, language and reading development, semi-automatized vocal-based assessment, digital interventions

UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Gilles Vannuscorps Normal and impaired cognitive functioning in the areas of: conceptual representations, movement perception and recognition, speech and language UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Marie Van Reybroeck Learning to read and spell, dyslexia UCLouvain's Directory Personal website


Name Keywords    
Yannick Bleyenheuft  Motor skill learning and intensive neurorehabilitation UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Philippe de Timary Addiction, alcoholism, psychiatric disorders UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Christine Detrembleur Physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine. UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Laurence Dricot  Research logistics of (neuroscience) brain imaging projects UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Bernard Hanseeuw Cognitive aging, Alzheimer's disease, neuroimaging UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Aleksandar Jankovski Neurosurgery UCLouvain's Directory  
Valéry Legrain Pain (neuroscience) research  UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Thierry Lejeune Neurorehabilitation and robotics, movement analysis UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
André Mouraux Pain (neuroscience) research  UCLouvain's Directory Personal website
Gaëtan Stoquart Physical medicine and neuro-rehabilitation UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate
Yves Vandermeeren Neurology, neuro-rehabilitation robotics, movement analysis UCLouvain's Directory Research Gate