l4work |
Louvain4Work aims to (i) bring together the existing expertise within the University and (ii) generate, within the University, a reflection on and exchanges over the notion of "work".
- Bring together researchers whose interests, questions and research activities address certain aspects of the work with a view to federating these expertise and developing transdisciplinary projects within the framework of ad hoc funding. In order to federate and focus the energies of the members of the action, a general theme ("The transformations of work") has been chosen and broken down into three lines of work to guide our efforts for the next four years:
the porosity of the boundaries of work with other spheres of life;
the transformation of workplaces (including issues related to mobility);
the dilution of collectives and the constitution of new working communities (isolation-solidarities, alternative forms of corporate governance ...).
- Animate, within the University, a reflection and exchanges on the notion of "work", what it is, what it is becoming or should be by allowing a questioning on what touches us as workers of UCLouvain, through some annual thematic meetings bringing together the University Community around issues such as our workspaces, staff policy, well-being at work, etc.