Alzheimer's disease: a fish as the main experimental model
Melissa Page (LIBST - BNTE) a reçu une bourse de la Fondation Recherche Alzheimer pour soutenir ses recherches sur le vieillissement cellulaire dans le cerveau et sa contribution potentielle à l'appar
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Is your memory failing you? The CICN is looking for volunteers!
CICN is launching a new clinical study and is looking for participants aged 60 and over
The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of a natural food supplement on cognitive functions, and in par
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Microtomography: a non-destructive technique for a 3D image of an object
At the beginning of 2022, the LACaMi platform welcomes a new characterisation technique, X-ray microtomography, thanks to support from the FEDER.
Who among us has not had to "take an X-ray" to make s
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CICN : a research logistician position for Valérie Dormal
After several successful years in operation, the Center for Clinical Investigation in Nutrition (CICN1) has benefited from the creation of a Research Logistician position since November 1.
This posit
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SMCS Winter School - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Python
From data processing to the deployment of a predictive model in the cloud
In 2025, mastering artificial intelligence and machine learning will no longer be a luxury, but a necessity if you want to re
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