SÎRBU Tatiana
autheuro |
Photo : https://uclouvain.academia.edu/TSirbu
Selected papers:
Gospodar ou déporté : la catégorisation comme instrument de la déportation des Tsiganes en Transnistrie in Etudes Tsiganes (a special number in French “Territories of extermination in Eastern Europe (1941-1944)), Nr . 56-57, 2016, p. 90-104
Gospodar or deported: categorization as an instrument of the deportation of Gypsies in Transnistria in Etudes Tsiganes (a special number in English “Territories of extermination in Eastern Europe (1941-1944)), Nr . 56-57, 2016, p. 88-102
Selected conferences and workshops (last 3 years):
“The regulations and policies towards nomads during the 19th century in the European part of the Tsarist Empire” (talk in Russian), Institute of Oriental Studies “R.B. Suleimenov”, Almaty (Kazakhstan) in the framework of the scientific seminar “Methodology of the archival work” and the Erasmus+ mobility [3 March 2020].
“Contemporary nostalgic dynamics: Dor et Sevdah” (working languages English, Romanian, Bosnian and French), co-organizor with Pr Vuillemenot of the one-day international workshop, Laboratory for a prospective anthropology /IACCHOS, Université catholique de Louvain [17 December 2019].
“La démesure de la mesure ethnique : archives administratives sur la ‘détermination de l’ethnie”, workshop “Roma Genocide in Transnistria”, Mémorial de la Shoah (Paris) [31 October 2019].
“The Roma Genocide in Transnistria”, two-day workshop to start an International Platform for Research and Collection of Documents, National Institute for Holocaust Studies in Romania “Elie Wiesel” (working languages English, French, Romanian and Russian), Bucharest (Romania) [20-21 June 2019].
“Une famille de Bessarabie sous trois régimes : tsariste, roumaine et soviétique”, seminar of fellows and young researchers of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, the Institut historique allemand, Paris [9-10 January 2018].
“Lautarii – politique et fiction cinématographique”, weekly seminar of the Laboratory for a prospective anthropology, Université catholique de Louvain [2 February 2018].