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August 7
10-10.30 Introduction ( L. M. Brevik, U. Smit & F. Suñer) room A.118
10.30-11.30 Short presentation of projects (all - in smaller groups)
11.30-12.30 Lecture: Why do we need mixed methods studies in language in education research? (L. M. Brevik) room A.118
14-15 h Lecture: Language Learning Ecology and Complexity Theory (C. Arnett) room A.118
15-16 h Lecture: An ecological view on classroom-based studies (F. Meunier) room A.118
16-16.30 Q&A session room A.118

August 8
9-12.30 Workshop: Research designs for mixed methods studies (L. M. Brevik) room A.118
14-17 Workshop: Strengthening teacher-researcher collaboration through design-based research (S. Rieder-Marschallinger) room A.118
17-17.30 Q&A session room A.118

August 9
9-10 Lecture: Introduction into qualitative methods for classroom-discourse studies (U. Smit) room A.118
10-11 Lecture: Introduction into the statistical methods for classroom-based studies (F. Suñer) room A.118
11-12 Workshop: Planning and implementing classroom-based studies (C. Arnett, F. Suñer) room A.118
14-17 Parallel workshops:
WI: The qualitative approach: achieving the exploratory goal of educational science with grounded theory (T. Smits) room A.114
WII: Qualitative classroom-based research (U. Smit) room A.104
WIII: Drawing conclusions from inferential statistics (F. Suñer) room MDL SI-1
17-17.30 Q&A session room A.118

August 10
9-11 Participants prepare a 10-minute (maximum) presentation on their project and their work so far (room A.118)
11.30-12.30 Circle U Open conversation (room A.118)
12.30-13 Concluding remarks (room A.118)

*Adjustments to the program are possible to address any changes that may arise