International migration and integration
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International migration is an important component of demographic change. Migrations play an increasing role in the dynamics and diversity of populations in Western societies. Issues of integration of migrants - especially in the labour market - are also central to the study of migration, both from the perspective of host societies and of migrants themselves. Research conducted in DEMO covers both the estimation of migration flows and the analysis of the determinants and consequences of migration. The integration of migrants in Europe and reintegration in the country of origin after a return are also addressed in several projects. DEMO participates in international and multidisciplinary projects, such as the MAFE (Migration between Africa and Europe) project and the POMBE (Postcolonial Migrants in Belgium) project. In this context, DEMO coordinated several surveys on international migration and integration in Belgium and sub-Saharan Africa. For many years, DEMO researchers have also been using register data for estimating migration flows, studying administrative trajectories and integrating migrants into the labour market in Belgium. Historical data are also used to document the history of immigration in Belgium.
Person in charge: Bruno Schoumaker