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The "Covid-19, media and anxiety" survey is now closed. This survey was coordinated by Grégoire Lits, Louise-Amélie Cougnon, Alexandre Heeren, Bernard Hanseeuw and Nathan Gurnet.

The results are presented in this detailed report:

2020: Lits, G., Cougnon, L.-A., Heeren, A., Hanseeuw B. and Gurnet, N. (Report). "Analyse de « l’infodémie » de Covid-19 en Belgique francophone. Perceptions du coronavirus, mésinformation, anxiété et confiance dans les sources d’information et le gouvernement en période de confinement en Belgique francophone". doi: 10.31235/

The project's publications

  • Heeren, A., Hanseeuw, B., Cougnon, L.-A., & Lits, G. (2021). Excessive Worrying as a Central Feature of Anxiety during the First COVID-19 Lockdown-Phase in Belgium: Insights from a Network Approach. Psychologica Belgica, 61(1), pp. 401–418. DOI: [READ THE DRAFT].

  • Hanseeuw, Bernard, Cougnon, Louise-Amélie, Heeren, Alexandre, Gurnet, Nathan and Grégoire Lits (2020). “Le (dé-) confinement, un enjeu humain et sociétal: Focus sur l’impact de «l’infodémie» de COVID-19 en Belgique francophone”. In Louvain Medical, 139, pp. 369-374.

The project's media coverage (mostly in French)