Bioengineer in chemistry and bioindustry (120 credits, 2 years)
agro | Louvain-la-Neuve

The Master's degree bioengineer in chemistry and bio-industries trains professionals able to understand complex chemical, biochemical and (micro)biological processes at various scales and to design new technological processes in fields as varied as chemistry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, microbiology, biomaterials, agri-food, energy, depollution, recycling and the environment.
At the crossroads of engineering, chemistry and (micro)biology, this programme develops students' versatility, particularly through an approach that focuses on solving problems arising from socio-economic reality.
As part of their learning process, students are encouraged to combine their knowledge of specific disciplines with cross-disciplinary skills such as communication, organisation, structuring and planning, analysis and synthesis, autonomy, initiative, interdisciplinarity, teamwork and project management.
The strength of this programme is to combine theoretical and practical aspects, with complementary approaches and tools, to prepare future bioengineers in chemistry and bioindustries to meet the challenges of a wide range of sectors: food industry, pharmaceutical and biomedical industries, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, heavy chemicals, fine chemicals, biomass recovery, pollution control, environmental protection, recycling, etc.
The skills developed by future bioengineers in chemistry and bio-industries will enable them to work in positions of responsibility for a wide range of employers: food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, breweries, consultancies, research centres and universities, teaching, public services, national and international organisations.
Thanks to its partnerships with the industry, the Master's degree bioengineer in chemistry and bio-industries offers numerous opportunities to interact with the professional world, such as internships in companies, on-site visits, the participation of professionals in courses and seminars, etc. In the second annual block, the industrial project in chemical and biotechnological engineering requires students to solve, in interaction with an industrial partner, a real problem encountered by the enterprise.
The Faculty of Bioengineering offers its students solid practical training in laboratories, leading to a good understanding of the underlying processes of many phenomena.
An end thesis in a research laboratory will also enable students to use cutting-edge instruments and to take part in applied or fundamental research supervised by a team of professional scientists and technicians.