2020 - 8 ARC financées ou cofinancées à l'UCLouvain
uclouvain |
Acronyme | Titre | Promoteurs |
TrUMPo | Discourse, populism and democracy - Tracking the uses of populism in media and political discourse | Prof. Min Reuchamps (UCLouvain/SSH/SPLE), porte-parole, Barbara De Cock (UCLouvain/SSH/ILC), Philippe Hambye (UCLouvain/SSH/ILC), Sandrine Roginsky (UCLouvain/SSH/ILC) |
RE-MEMBER | La transmission des souvenirs liés à la mise au ban de la société : Analyse comparée de la gestion officielle et intime des souvenirs liés à la collaboration et à la colonisation en Belgique | Prof. Valérie Rosoux (UCLouvain/SSH/SPLE), porte-parole, Olivier Luminet (UCLouvain/SSH/IPSY), Anne-Sophie Gijs (UCLouvain/SSH/IACS), Laurence van Ypersele (UCLouvain/SSH/INCA) |
EViMS | Lipids and microRNAs from Extracellular Vesicles in Multiple Sclerosis: understanding disease pathophysiology to design innovative nanomedecines | Prof. Vincent van Pesch (UCLouvain/SSS/IoNS), porte-parole, Giulio Muccioli (UCLouvain/SSS/LDRI), Anne des Rieux (UCLouvain/SSS/LDRI) |
PURE | New Approaches in Process intensification: Towards combined Purification-Reaction Membrane based processes | Prof. Tom Leyssens (UCLouvain/SST/IMCN), porte-parole, Patricia Luis Alconero (UCLouvain/SST/IMMC), Damien Debecker (UCLouvain/SST/IMCN) |
TALOS | Santorini Eruption: A comparative anthropological and volcanological study of an archaeological case study | Prof. Jan Driessen (UCLouvain/SSH/INCA), porte-parole, Frédéric Laugrand (UCLouvain/SSH/INCA), Pierre Delmelle (UCLouvain/SST/ELI) |
IMAL | Imperfect Data : From Mathematical Foundations to Applications in Life Sciences | Prof. Catherine Legrand (UCLouvain/SSH/IDAM), porte-parole, Anouar El Ghouch (UCLouvain/SSH/IDAM), Philippe Lambert (UCLouvain/SSH/IDAM), Eugen Pircalabelu (UCLouvain/SSH/IDAM), Germain Van Bever (UNamur/SST), Ingrid Van Keilegom (UCLouvain/SSH/IDAM) |
MicroMoto | Advanced microstructure imaging of the white matter motor pathways: unravelling brain repair mechanisms and establishing predictive biomarkers in hemiplegic children and adults undergoing intensive neurorehabilitation | Prof. Yannick Bleyenheuft (UCLouvain/SSS/IONS), porte-parole, Benoît Macq (UCLouvain/SST/ICTM), Yves Vandermeeren (UCLouvain/SSS/IONS), Laurence Dricot (UCLouvain/SSS/IONS) |
EXO-Sugar-MAP | Mapping exo-glycals reactivity and biological applications | Prof. Stéphane Vincent (UNamur/SST), porte-parole, Guillaume Berionni (UNamur/SST), Raphaël Robiette (UCLouvain/SST/IMCN) |