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Videos of the Symposium

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13:00 - 14:00 - Opening session


Introduction to the European Alliance Circle U. - Prof. Dana Samson -UCLouvain Pro-rector for International Affairs

Interdisciplinary research at UCLouvain - Prof. Jean-Christophe Renauld – UCLouvain Pro-rector for Research

Introduction to Horizon Europe R&I opportunities related to Water, Healthy Oceans and Seas - Mr. Nikos Zampoukas, Policy Officer - Research and innovation for fisheries and aquaculture, DG Research & Innovation, C.4 Healthy Oceans and Seas, European Commission


14:00 -16:00 - Key note presentations


Chair: Sandra Soares-Frazão - UCLouvain

Water quality management in agricultural systems: a key for reaching the SDG and global health - Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)

Biofilm reactors for micropollutant removal - Kai Bester (Aarhus University)


Chair: Vincent Legrand - UCLouvain

Anthropology of maritime sciences - Nefissa Naguib (University of Oslo)

Danubian cosmopolitics: living with new river islands on the Ister - Séverine Lagneaux (UCLouvain)


Chair: Marnik Vanclooster - UCLouvain

Water Security: For whom? - Tobias Krueger (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Naho Mirumachi (King's College London)

Achieving water and food security within Planetary Boundaries: some global simulations - Dieter Gerten (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Origins and evolution of water-related disasters: what can we, as scientists, do? - Sandra Soares-Frazão (UCLouvain)

Virtual water in the midst of transitions to sustainable food and agricultural systems: reflections on the water-food-trade nexus in the EuroMed region in perspective with Latin America - Vincent Legrand & Leonith Hinojosa (UCLouvain)

International Water Management in the Sahel Region - Dolores Algora Weber (UCLouvain)


16:00 - 17:00 - Pitch presentations



Accessible and versatile water quality sensors towards responsible water cycle management - Margo Hauwaert, Grégoire Le Brun, Audrey Leprince, Jacques Mahillon, Ignace Adant, Jean-Pierre Raskin (UCLouvain)

Infrastructuring water beyond pipes and canals: a dialogue across case studies and disciplines - Alba Rossella (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IRI-THESys) & Kanesu Rebekka (Universität Trier, Governance and Sustainability Lab)

Combined effects of climate and land use change on hydrological alteration of a Mediterranean catchment: case study of the Silia - Imen EL GHOUL, Haykel SELLAMI , Marnik VANCLOOSTER and Slaheddine KHLIF (UCLouvain)

Contribution of ravines in the flooding of Cavaillon city in Haïti- Gerardson Mathieu (UCLouvain)

Remote sensing of water resources in semi-arid regions - Nicolas DELBART (Univ. Paris, UMR LIED), Laurent BRUCKMANN (Univ. Lièges, UR SPHERES) & Emilie LAVIE (Univ. Paris, UMR PRODIG)

Water governance downstream of the Sidi Salem dam in Tunisia: A critical institutional perspective - Kais Bouazzi (UCLouvain)

Drone-based bathymetry of the Rouyonne River in Haiti: comparison with the official DTM and manual surveys - Rotchild Louis(UCLouvain)

Exploring causal linkages between teleconnection patternsand the terrestrial biosphere in Northeastern Burundi ( East Africa) - Pacifique Batungwanayo, Université du Burundi; Marnik Vanclooster, UCLouvain; IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia


Collection and analysis of historical data for empirically assessing water pollution risks of Walloon catchments - Elise Verstraeten & Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)


Environmental Risk Assessment of Emerging Organic Contaminants: Treatment of Wastewater with Constructed Wetlands - Huma Ilyas (IPGP France; WTM Consult), Ilyas Masih (IHE Delft; WTM Consult) & Eric D. van Hullebusch (IPGP France)


Polder2C’s project: breaching of earthen embankments - field tests and numerical simulations - Masoumeh Ebrahimi (UCLouvain)


Spatializing rainwater practices across Belgian territories: building a common asset - Thais Delefortrie (UCLouvain)


Strategies for community-based water-management alliances in the informal settlement of the valley of Selembao, Kinshasa (RDC) - Pietro Manaresi (UCLouvain)

Supporting the Belgian Development Cooperation in the design and implementation of an effective water strategy - Alice Alonso (UCLouvain)

50 years of groundwater management and observations in Louvain-la-Neuve - Ridley S, Vanclooster M, Frippiat C, Morize A, Couly B , Thyrion M, Francois S (UCLouvain)

Using convergent cross mapping method and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to explore causes of streamflow alteration: A case study - Mokrane Kadir & Marnik Vanclooster (UCLouvain)


17:00 - 18:00 - Business session


Open business session to draw a roadmap for interdisciplinary research in the water science domain within the realm of Circle U.