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How does antibiotic resistance in plant pathogenic bacteria impact 'One Health’?
JUNE 21st
Tentative program
8h30 Welcome to the participants
9h00 Workshop introduction – The Plantibio initiative by the European Food Safety Authority – G. Stancanelli (EFSA)
9h20 Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Plant Agriculture: A One Health Perspective – Jorge Pinto Fereira (FAO)
9h40 Improving data collection on antibiotic use in plant health – challenges and perspectives – C. Bragard (SAVE, Earth&Life Institute, UCLouvain)
10h00 How classical plant risk analysis may be applied to AMR risk in trade – J. Smith (Protecting Crops and Environment Rothamsted Research)
10h30 Coffee pause
10h50 Antibiotic resistance in Plant pathogenic bacteria - Marie Verhaegen, Jacques Mahillon (UCLouvain)
11h10 Monitoring and Managing Streptomycin Resistant Erwinia amylovora and epiphytic bacterial populations in Ohio apple orchards – Melanie Ivey (Department of Plant pathology, Ohio State University)
11h30 Round table – how to improve data collection on antibiotic use as plant protection products and AMR in plant health, in a ONE Health Perspective ?
12h00 Selected short contributions by participants (5 min each)
The objective of the workshop is to encourage the exchange and collection of data on:
the use of antibiotics for controlling plant pathogenic bacteria;
the antibiotic resistance in plant pathogenic bacteria; and
alternative measures for controlling plant pathogenic bacteria, with an emphasis on data gaps and key questions for improving risk assessment.
The workshop also aims to establish the basis for a network on the topic, connecting with established networks in the areas of animal and human health.
As part of the workshop, global inventories of antibiotics used as plant protection products and information on antimicrobial resistance associated with the use of antibiotics in plant protection will be presented (as collected in the framework of the EFSA funded PLANTBIO project).