Content of the conference
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Prof. Marthe Nyssens (Prorector transition and society, UCLouvain)
Prof. Ralf Seppelt (Lead Author of the 2019 IPBES Global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services, UFZ, Germany)
Prof. Mark Urban (University of Connecticut, USA)
" Improving the forecast for biodiversity in the Heat Age”
Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (former IPCC vice-Chair, Earth and Life Institute, UClouvain)
“Human activities, climate change and biodiversity loss: impacts and interactions?"”
Prof. Patrick Meyfroidt (Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain)
“The role of land use change on land degradation and restoration, and the underlying drivers of land use change”
Dr. Jorge Ventocilla, Policy Expert at the science and policy interface for the Belgian Biodiversity Platform/IPBES Belgian Focal Point
"IPBES Rolling work programme up to 2030 : Opportunities for Belgian experts to get engaged"
Prof. Teja Tscharntke (Göttingen University, Germany)
“Integrating biodiversity, biocontrol and pollination in agriculture ”
Prof. Klaus Birkhofer (Brandenburg University, Germany)
"Conservation of functional diversity in agricultural landscapes – does it promote ecosystem service provision?”
Prof. Sven Wunder (European Forest Institute, Barcelona, Spain)
“Biodiversity conservation in tropical forests based on the REDD+ strategy”
Prof. Philippe Baret (Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain)
“Transition : scenarios, lock-ins and enablers”