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Constraining depositional phases in braided river deposits can be challenging if only based on sedimentology or geochronology. We explored how different data sources can provide complementary information on the depositional history of Pleistocene fluvial deposits. The study was realized on the Zutendaal gravels that outcrop in Northeastern Belgium. In a 8 m high exposure of gravel sheets, we collected bulk samples that were processed for grain size, elemental geochemistry and 10Be concentration. The outcrop in the Zutendaal gravels contains three depositional units with significant differences in grain size and chemical weathering extent and representing distinct 10Be accumulation phases. Sedimentary hiatuses were identified based on fining upward sequences and 10Be concentration-depth profiles, whereby local deviation in 10Be concentration at the top of the fining upward sequence provided information on the duration of the hiatus. The correlation between 10Be, weathering and provenance proxies indicates that weathering is essentially intraformational or post-depositional. The case-study illustrates how co-variations in weathering, provenance, granulometry indices and 10Be concentration are informative for the depositional history of fluvial sediments, and landscape stability during the Pleistocene.