Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 08h00Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 17h00
Use this form to register as a participant to ELI-Day, the second edition of the institute-wide conference where researchers and PhD students will have the opportunity to present their work and share it with other ELI members. This project, supported by ELI Board members and the President of the Institute, Marnik Vanclooster, is a great opportunity to get to know the institute better and to learn about the skills and research being done there. It is also an opportunity to create links and collaborations between ELI members, as well as develop a general scientific culture.
Registration is mandatory for both speakers and spectators.
This year, ELI-Day will be held as an in-person event (provided COVID restrictions don't change). The ACELI team has worked hard to organize an interesting scientific and social event, where we hope to see many of you! The conference will be a full day and the program is the following :
All sessions will consist of one group presentation and three individuals talks on varied subjects within the Earth and Life Institute.
Date & Location : The ELI-Day will take place on May 19th, 2022, in the SUD Auditoriums on Place Croix du Sud, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Food : Please be advised that we will not be providing lunch nor dinner, you will have to bring you own food.
Drink : However, a drink will be held by the ACELI at the end of the day. All participant are welcome to join! If you intend to be there, we do ask that you register for the drink seperatly in the form below, so we know how many people will join us for this celebration.
Help needed : We would like to take this opportunity to ask the ELI community for help! If you have a moment to spare, we would be grateful for your help in setting up poster stands on May 17th (lunch time or 17h00) and taking them down on May 20th. If you wish to help the organizing team during the ELI-Day itself, that works too. We have included boxes in the form below, please tick them if you are available and wish to help.