3rd ARC Seminar
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In the context of our ARC project MOOCresearch2.0: A mixed-method and multidisciplinary approach to socio-cognitive conflicts in online educational platforms, we have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Dr. Felicitas Macgilchrist.
During her virtual stay, we invite PCOM members (especially PhD students) to participate in a research seminar that will take place on Thursday May 27th between 14:00 and 16:00. The topic of the seminar will be "Dashboard Stories: Methodological Implications of Critical Data Studies and Theories of Heterogeneity"
Prof. Dr. Macgilchrist is Head of the Media | Transformation department and Professor of Media Research at the Georg-August-University of Goettingen’s Institute of Education. Her current research focuses on the discourses and practices around educational technology, including critical and speculative approaches to digital education. Her projects ask which policies and practices are shaping media change in today's schools. She studied psychology, education and applied linguistics, gained her PhD in cultural sciences from the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and her habilitation in educational studies from the Technical University in Braunschweig. She has been a visiting scholar in New York, Ghent and Birmingham and has taught on media, discourse studies, cultural studies and English in Russia, Germany, Vietnam, Belgium, the UK and the USA. In 2009, she joined the Georg Eckert Institute, and has been Department Head since 2015. Prof. Dr. Macgilchrist is deputy speaker of the Leibniz Science Campus - Postdigital Participation - Braunschweig. She is co-editor of the journal Learning, Media and Technology, on the editorial board of Critical Discourse Studies and Historical Encounters, and on the board of the Discourse Net Research Association.
The session will be chaired by Prof. François Lambotte and Dr. Jan Zienkowski who are collaborating in the context of the MOOCresearch2.0 project. The seminar will be organized via Microsoft Teams. It can be accessed using the following link:
This seminar is organised by the members of the ARC project with the support of:
- The Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socialisation, Education, and Training (GIRSEF),
- The Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LOURIM) and,
- The Institut for Language and Communication (ILC).
For more information, please contact us at: info-moocresearch2@uclouvain.be