MOOCresearch2.0 Meeting
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The ARC MOOCresearch2.0 project extends a cordial invitation to its second Steering Committee Meeting.
The ARC project "MOOCresearch2.0: A mixed-method and multidisciplinary approach to socio-cognitive conflicts in online educational platforms" investigates socio-cognitive conflicts (i.e. differences in point of view that are socially experienced and cognitively resolved) in online educational platforms. More specifically, this project analyses students’ forum messages in the edX MOOCs developped by LouvainX. We seek to address the challenges of fostering social interactions and induce beneficial socio-cognitive conflicts to promote learning in an environment where interactions are primarily written and asynchronous.
We will take advantage of this meeting to present the progress of our project. We will discuss how MOOC instructors can re-design forum instructions to ease navigation through the messages and support collaborative discoursive interactions. We are convinced that the exchanges during this meeting will enrich our understanding of how to promote better social learning opportunities for MOOC learners.
This seminar is organised by the members of the ARC project with the support of:
- The Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socialisation, Education, and Training (GIRSEF),
- The Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LOURIM) and,
- The Institut for Language and Communication (ILC).
For more information, please contact us at: