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Past research projects

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Design and implementation of a pilot assessment protocol for the news literacy actions of ESJ Lille (2021-2022)

Researcher(s): Camille Tilleul
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille
Funding: Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille

Assessment of the effects of the Parcours Médias (a news literacy education platform) (2021-2022)

Researcher(s): Camille Tilleul
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille, Association pour l'Education aux Médias (APEM) de l'Alliance de la presse d'information générale
Funding: Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille

KiDiCoTi - Kids' Digital lives in COVID-19 Times (2020-2022)

Researcher(s): Pierre Fastrez
Promoter(s): Stéphane Chaudron (JRC)

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Collaboration
Partners: Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (Cyber & Digital Citizens' Security Unit (E.3) - Directorate E - Space, Security and Migration), research office of UNICEF, and 25 other research centers in 15 european countries (complete list)
Funding: n/a


Linguistic and communicational components of immersion in Game(s): towards an integrated approach within the Language & Communication Institute (2019-2020)

Researcher(s): Alessandro Cierro
Promoter(s): Thibault Philippette

Project type: Research program
Partners: Thomas François (CENTAL), Patrick Watrin (CENTAL), Sébastien Nahon (MiiL)
Funding: Langage & Communication Institute

VIADUCT (Voice Interface for Autonomous Driving based on User experienCe Techniques) (2018-2021)

Researcher(s): Luka Rukonic
Promoter(s): Suzanne Kieffer
Co-promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: User experience (UX)

Project type: Research program
Partners: AW Europe, Acapela, Multitel, CETIC, Université de Namur
Funding: Service Public de Wallonie - DGO6

Open My Daily Digital Newspaper: comparative study and evaluation of pilot experiments in digital news media education (2018-2019)

Researcher(s): Carole Delforge
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez
Co-promoter(s): Baptiste Campion, Thibault Philippette, Marie Vanoost

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: LA, Higher Council for Media Education, Research Observatory on Media and Journalism (ORM, UCL)
Funding: LA

HAULOGY2021 (2018-2019)

Researcher(s): Vincent Kervyn de Meerendré
Promoter(s): Suzanne Kieffer

Research Axes: User experience (UX)

Project type: Consultancy
Funding: Service public de Wallonie - DGO6

The museum visit experience as a stand-alone activity: development of exhibition ergonomics for unguided visitors (2018-)

Researcher(s): Marine Lagasse
Promoter(s): Philippe Verhaegen

Research Axes: Learning and education through media, User experience (UX)

Project type: PhD thesis in progress

Playful teaching practices in primary education in the French Community of Belgium (2017-2021)

Researcher(s): Charlotte Préat
Promoter(s): Thibault Philippette

Research Axes: Learning and education through media, Media literacy and media education

Project type: PhD thesis in progress
Funding: UCL Grant (FSR)

Video game literacy (2017-2021)

Researcher(s): Gael Gilson
Promoter(s): Thibault Philippette

Research Axes: Learning and education through media, Media literacy and media education

Project type: PhD thesis in progress
Partners: PortailEduc Association


Prevention of cyberbullying: Social representations of parents regarding their role as media educators and their teenagers' media practices (2017-2018)

Researcher(s): Mathieu Bégin
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: Normand Landry, Canada Research Chair in Media Education and Human Rights, TÉLUQ University (Quebec, Canada)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

ICT use by teachers in secondary education (Flanders, Wallonia, the Netherlands) (2016-2017)

Researcher(s): Aurélie Brouwers, Thierry De Smedt, Jerry Jacques
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Learning and education through media, Media literacy and media education

Project type: Collaboration
Partners: Universiteit Gent (coord.), Universiteit Tilburg, CECOM (Centre d'Etude de la Communication)
Funding: Samsung BeNeLux

Study of the media literacy competencies mobilised by young adults as part of their civic participation (2015-2021)

Researcher(s): Lara Burton
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: PhD thesis in progress
Funding: Basic institutional funding (research assistant contract)

Study of the relationships between media literacy and social media use by young adults (2015-2019)

Researcher(s): Camille Tilleul
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: PhD thesis in progress
Funding: IHECS - Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales

LITME @ WORK - Digital and media literacy in teamwork and distance work environments (2014-2019)

Researcher(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez, Valèria Ligurgo, Thibault Philippette
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez
Co-promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: Université de Namur (Pr. A.-S. Collard: coordinator; Th. Philippette: post-doc (2015-2016); J. Jacques: postdoc (2016-2019)), Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles (Pr. G. Patriarche; M. Dufrasne: post-doc), Katolieke Universiteit Leuven (Pr. M. Ramioul; I. Nikolova: post-doc (2015); A. Antheunis: researcher (2016-2017); Yennef Vereycken (2017-2019))
Funding: Belspo BRAIN-be


Children and screens survey (2014-2015)

Researcher(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez, Marie Mathen
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Consultancy
Partners: CECOM (Centre d'Etude de la Communication), ONE (Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance) et CSEM (Conseil Supérieur de l'Education aux Médias)
Funding: ONE (Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance)

The media literacy of audiences regarding the mediatization of the environment (2013-2017)

Researcher(s): Julie Matagne
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: Groupe de recherche « Forêt, Nature & Société » (ELI, UCL); Groupe d'Histoire des Forêts Françaises (ENS, Paris)
Funding: PDR FNRS (07/2013 - 06/2017), DGARNE - DGO3 - Walloon Region (2013)

Design and Evaluation of a Master's Degree in Applied Communication - Media Education (2013-2015)

Researcher(s): Baptiste Campion, Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez, Camille Tilleul
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Consultancy
Partners: IHECS - Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales
Funding: IHECS - Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales

Developing and adapting institutional websites for children (2013-2014)

Researcher(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez, Camille Tilleul
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Learning and education through media, User experience (UX)

Project type: Consultancy
Partners: CECOM - Centre d'Etude de la Communication; OEJAJ - Observatoire de l'Enfance, de la Jeunesse et de l'Aide à la Jeunesse
Funding: OEJAJ - Observatoire de l'Enfance, de la Jeunesse et de l'Aide à la Jeunesse

Modeling the media literacy competences for managing personal and shared information collections using digital media. (2012-2016)

Researcher(s): Jerry Jacques
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Funding: F.R.S.-FNRS Fellowship

The media literacy of audiences regarding the mediatization of trees and forests (2012-2013)

Researcher(s): Coralie Meurice
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: Groupe de recherche « Forêt, Nature & Société » (ELI, UCL); Groupe d'Histoire des Forêts Françaises (ENS, Paris)
Funding: Walloon Region (DGO3)

Technology and musical listening: the appropriation of the mobile listener (2011-2016)

Researcher(s): Lionel Detry
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Partners: Advisory committee : Alain Reyniers, Christophe Pirenne, Florence Millerand
Funding: Basic institutional funding (research assistant contract)

Effects of animated concept maps on learning (2011-2013)

Researcher(s): Jerry Jacques, Valèria Ligurgo
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Research program

Socialization skills in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (2010-2014)

Researcher(s): Thibault Philippette
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Funding: Basic institutional funding (research assistant contract)

Media Literacy: operationalizing the theoretical definition of media competences (2010-2012)

Researcher(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez, Thibault Philippette
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: MediaAnimation A.S.B.L., Fédération de l'Enseignement Fondamental Catholique

urRu: cartography of a techno-scientific system in information and communication sciences (2010-2011)

Researcher(s): Aurélie Brouwers, Baptiste Campion, Thierry De Smedt, Lionel Detry, Pierre Fastrez, Thibault Philippette, Philippe Verhaegen
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt, Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: User experience (UX)

Project type: Research program

Hypertext navigation and visuo-spatial abilities (2009-2015)

Researcher(s): Aurélie Brouwers
Promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Funding: FSR, FNRS

Assessment of Media Literacy Levels in Europe (2008-2009)

Researcher(s): Thibault Philippette
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt
Co-promoter(s): Pierre Fastrez

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: European Association for Viewers Interest, Université autonome de Barcelone (Espagne - Département de journalisme et communication), Université de Tampere (Finlande - Faculté d'Education), CLEMI (Centre de Liaison de l'Enseignement et des Médias d'Information, France)
Funding: European Commission

Development of a tool for analyzing exhibition devices. Semio-pragmatic approach of Belgian cases in 2016. (2004-2016)

Researcher(s): Mariève Bertrand
Promoter(s): Philippe Verhaegen

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Funding: Basic institutional funding (research assistant contract)

Mediappro (2004-2006)

Researcher(s): Catherine Geeroms
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Funding: European Commission


Study of the use of narrative in popular science hypermedia. Narratological and semio-cognitive approaches (2003-2012)

Researcher(s): Baptiste Campion
Promoter(s): Daniel Peraya

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Partners: Philippe Marion (UCL/ORM), co-advisor
Funding: Basic institutional funding (research assistant contract)

The cognitive semiotics of knowledge construction in educational hypermedia navigation. Diachronic approach. (2003-2007)

Researcher(s): Pierre Fastrez
Promoter(s): Jean-Pierre Meunier

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Research program

Educaunet 2 - A European campaign to raise awareness and implement media education to promote a safer use of the Internet (2003-2005)

Researcher(s): Odile Remacle
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: MédiaAnimation A.S.B.L., CLEMI
Funding: European Commission (Safer Internet Action Plan)

Formal knowledge, informal knowledge (2002-2004)

Researcher(s): Aude Seron
Promoter(s): Jean-Pierre Meunier

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Research program
Funding: FNRS (FRFC)

Reciprocity and communication (2002-2003)

Researcher(s): Mariève Bertrand, Fabienne Thomas
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Consultancy
Partners: Echos Communication ASBL
Funding: Echos Communication ASBL

Study of the comprehension of metaphorized hypermedia (2001-2008)

Researcher(s): Anne-Sophie Collard
Promoter(s): Jean-Pierre Meunier, Philippe Verhaegen

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Funding: Basic institutional funding (research assistant contract)

Educaunet 1 - Education programme for a critical approach of the risks linked to the use of the Internet (2001-2002)

Researcher(s): Julie Baudrez, Annabelle Klein, Lysiane Romain
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Research Axes: Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: MédiaAnimation A.S.B.L., CLEMI
Funding: European Commission (Safer Internet Action Plan)

Ecology awareness (2000-2001)

Researcher(s): Nathalie Legaye
Promoter(s): Philippe Verhaegen

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Consultancy
Partners: GIREA, Ministère de l'Environnement de la Région Wallone

Multi-criteria audit of technical quality management in agro-food SMEs (1998-1999)

Researcher(s): Jean-Marc Everard
Promoter(s): Philippe Verhaegen

Project type: Research program
Partners: CERIA, RUG vakgroep Levensmiddelen, Centre de Droit de la Consommation

Hypertext navigation and knowledge acquisition (1997-2002)

Researcher(s): Pierre Fastrez
Promoter(s): Jean-Pierre Meunier

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Funding: FSR, FNRS

Health education (1997-1998)

Researcher(s): Fabienne Thomas
Promoter(s): Jean-Pierre Meunier

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Consultancy
Partners: Question Santé ASBL
Funding: Question Santé ASBL

The Social Appropriation of Multimedia (1993-1997)

Researcher(s): Philippe Charlier, Hugues Peeters
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Research Axes: Learning and education through media, Media literacy and media education

Project type: Research program
Partners: CEDITI, Centre de Droit de la Consommation, Laboratoire de Télécommunications, Département des sciences de l'éducation
Funding: SSTC (Belspo)

Télécole (1992-1993)

Researcher(s): Fabienne Thomas
Promoter(s): Thierry De Smedt

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Research program
Partners: Fondation Roi Baudouin

Hypermedia and learning experience (1991-2000)

Researcher(s): Philippe Charlier
Promoter(s): Jean-Pierre Meunier

Research Axes: Learning and education through media

Project type: Completed PhD thesis
Partners: Pierre de Saint-Georges (co-advisor)
Funding: Basic institutional funding (research assistant contract)