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Research groups

recom | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

PCOM / RECOM brings together 4 research groups: GIRCAM, GReMS, LASCO and ORM.

GIRCAM - Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultures and the Arts of Movement

The aim of this group is to study cultural and media practices from the point of view of movement, from a transcultural and transmedia perspective. Situated at the crossroads of Cultural Studies and Information and Communication Sciences, GIRCAM's starting point is the simple idea that studying cultural productions today requires us to take into account the dynamics of exchange and circulation, which are not without influence on the meaning given to these productions as well as on the practices and uses they mobilise among cultural and artistic players (artists, mediators, audiences).

GReMS - Research Group in Knowledge Mediation

Through its research, but also through its expertise and interventions, the GReMS wishes to bring a communication perspective to the question of the social sharing of knowledge: How can knowledge (scholarly, popular, scientific, natural, structured, informal, etc.) be communicated through the various media? What does the knowledge communicator do to mediate? What resources are available to them in terms of technology to enable them to fulfil their mission of sharing knowledge socially? What are the current social issues surrounding the qualitative and quantitative development of the mediatisation of knowledge?

LASCO - Laboratory for Analysis of Organisational Communication Systems

The LASCO brings together a group of researchers from different backgrounds, united around the observation and analysis of the phenomena of internal and external, strategic or spontaneous communication in organisations. These phenomena are considered to be the consequence and origin of interactions developed within or from organisations.

ORM - Observatory for Research on Media and Journalism

ORM's research has three complementary strands: developing a rigorous and specific methodological framework for analysing the press narrative, applying this methodology to the study of major contemporary media narratives, and disseminating thematic or circumstantial analyses. ORM produces media analyses according to two approaches: fundamental and applied scientific research aimed at the scientific community, and ad hoc analyses of media events and phenomena, carried out by a watchdog structure, aimed at a wide audience of media consumers..