A linguistic analysis of texts on human rights violations
valibel |
This project aims at analyzing from discursive perspectives texts of the collective memory, with a focus on texts concerning human rights violations. Research has been carried out on the representation of the victims and perpetrators of human rights violations under the Pinochet regime (Chili) in the Rettig report of the Truth and Reconciliation commission. This research is now expanded to press texts and reports of NGOs. One of the aims of the project is to broaden the scope of this research to other types of productions and other countries, particularly – but not exclusively – Spain and Latin-America. This project is furthermore clearly embedded in an interdisciplinary perspective and includes contacts with colleagues from literature, law, history, political sciences…
Barbara De Cock and Daniel Michaud Maturana participate as invited researchers in the CONICYT project “Political technologies of memory: a genealogy of the devices of registration and denunciation of human rights violations under the military dictatorship in Chile (1973-2013)”, developed by the Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chili) and The Latin American Centre of the University of Oxford.
01/09/2012 – on-going
Members : Barbara De Cock, Daniel Michaud Maturana