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Prof. Ludovic Troian-Gautier

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Our proposed research places renewable energy at the forefront and tackles contemporary issues faced by society. We aim to use sunlight to generate “solar fuels” through challenging reactions as well as for the synthesis of compounds with added value, both in solution and at the metal oxide interface. We are interested in understanding key fundamental processes that govern excited-state reactivity. The pluridisciplinary approach developed in our laboratory, and through very fruitful collaborations, calls upon (in)organic synthesis, (spectro)electrochemistry, photochemistry and (nano)material design.

Our research is distributed among several axis:

  • Understanding factors governing excited state reactivity and charge separation.
  • Light-induced solar fuels production
  • Mechanistic photoredox catalysis using rare and earth abundant transition metal complexes and organic dyes.

Ludovic Troian-Gautier is also the Principal Investigator of an "Actions de Recherches Concertées (ARC)" grant entitled "UNCAGED" dedicated to understanding cage escape processes in bimolecular photo-induced electron transfer reactions. More information can be obtained on the dedicated webpage:

To contact us:


Université catholique de Louvain

Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences

Molecules, Solids and Reactivity (IMCN/MOST)

Place Louis Pasteur 1, bte L4.01.02

1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium