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EMS Summer School 2024

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This year, for the EMS Summer School 2024, the general objective is to show the potential contribution of membrane technology to the SDGs (advances towards the SDGs that can be achieved thanks to membranes). However, in order to have a more critic attitude when proposing new membranes or membrane processes, two aspects will be deeply tackled in the course:

  • the environmental impacts related to the manufacture, operation and end of life or a membrane (benefits and potential concerns associated to membrane technology), and 
  • the key aspects to consider when scaling up from the laboratory to the industry (how to survive the valley of death).

At the end of the course, the students will have developed a more critic attitude to be able to propose research paths that rationally advance towards the right direction in line with the SDGs and with high potential for further successful large-scale application. 


The Summer School will be held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) – auditorium Sciences – Place des Sciences, 2 – 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Auditorium A04A and A04B).