Brain Innovation Days 2022

Tuesday, 11 October 2022, 08h00Tuesday, 11 October 2022, 17h00
The English-language site is gradually being launched. Visit our international pages.
We are delighted to announce the Brain Innovation Days. This event brings together key opinion leaders and stakeholders (including policymakers and other decision makers, innovators/start-ups, industry, researchers/scientists, patients and patient representatives, health care providers, academia, funders, etc ) from the ever-growing brain innovation ecosystem to create synergies and showcase the importance of brain innovation. It is organised by the European Brain Council and will take place in Brussels – Atelier des Tanneurs - on the 11th and the 12th of October 2022.
You can register here. By registering, you will have access to pre-event and on-site matchmaking advantages, a Welcome Reception and Dinner on 11 October, the 2nd Brain Innovation Days Pitch Competition, an Innovation Corner, inspiring sessions and much more. To universities and research institutes, we offer a special group (> 6 attendees) discount of 10 %! If you are interested in this offer, do not hesitate to contact us at .
We also kindly invite the members in your innovation network to apply for :
Lastly, we would be grateful for any support you can provide in spreading the word about the Brain Innovation Days and the application process for the Poster Presentations and Pitch Competition! All new information is communicated through our dedicated Twitter and LinkedIn channels, as well as on the BIDs Website, where the preliminary programme is already available.
If you have any questions meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to contact the BIDs Team (
We are looking forward to welcoming you in October!