COSY Conference - Talk by Pr Friedhelm Hummel
Tuesday, 07 February 2023, 08h00Tuesday, 07 February 2023, 17h00
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Dear IoNS members,
The COSY Division has the great pleasure to invite you to the conference entitled:
Non-invasive brain stimulation to target deep brain structures: a novel opportunity?
This conference will take place on February, 7th at 3:00 pm in the Maisin Auditorium (LEW).
Guest speaker:
Pr Friedhelm Hummel
Director, Defitech Chair of Clinical Neuroengineering, Neuro-X Institute (INX) and Brain Mind Institute (BMI) at Ecole Polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Adjunct Professor, Clinical Neuroscience, University Hospital of Geneva (HUG)