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IPSY Symposium

    • 11 Dec
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IPSY is happy to invite you to the symposium preceding the Public Defence of Jolien Schuurmans.

December 11th, 10:00-12:00

Salle du Conseil (A224)

Speaker 1:

Prof. Dr. Hans op de Beeck, KULeuven, Belgium


"Faces and bodies rule object space in the ventral visual pathway"


There are two ways of understanding the organization of object space in human visual cortex: A dimensional framework in terms of dimensions like animacy and shape, or a taxonomic framework in terms of categories like faces, bodies, and tools. I will argue in favor of the taxonomic framework and show that apparent evidence for dimensions like animacy and shape in reality reflects selectivity for the categories of faces and bodies.

Speaker 2:

Prof. Dr. Katharina Dobs, Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany


"How do real-world task demands shape the functional architecture of the visual system?"


Vision scientists have long characterized the functional architecture of the visual system, and they are succeeding increasingly in deciphering how it performs various tasks. However, the question of to what extent the functional architecture is shaped by the task requirements of visual tasks in the real world is less explored, largely due to limitations in human testing. In this talk, I will argue that the new ability to optimize artificial neural networks (ANNs) for performance on human-like visual tasks now enables us to approach this question. Specifically, when a particular behavioral or neural phenomenon spontaneously emerges in ANNs optimized for a task, it suggests this phenomenon may result from the brain’s optimization for that same task. I will highlight the recent success of this strategy in exploring how the human face perception system is shaped by real-world task demands, at both behavioral and neural levels.

Speaker 3:

Prof. Dr. Louise Kauffmann, l'Université Grenoble Alpes, France


"To what extent does what we now influence how we see?"


Current models of visual processing consider visual perception as a proactive process which is not only determined by the characteristics of sensory inputs, but also strongly depends on expectations we have about them. This assumption has been supported by a large body of research which for example showed that expectations modulate neural responses in early visual cortex and influence visual processing efficiency (e.g., expected stimuli are detected or recognized faster and more accurately than unexpected ones). However, how prior knowledge and expectations ultimately shape subjective perception (“how we see”) remains poorly understood. In this talk, I will present the results of our recent studies in which we addressed this question using perceptual matching tasks based on the appearance of complex visual stimuli such as scenes and objects. These studies show that objectively identical objects and scenes can subjectively appear as different according to their expected status. More precisely, scenes and objects than can be expected are perceptually enhanced relative to scenes and objects that cannot, and these perceptual effects are modulated by the reliability of visual signals and expectations. Our findings suggest that expectations about the visual environment not only help us understand it more easily, but also makes us see it better.

Speaker 4:

Prof. Dr. Olivier Collignon, UCLouvain, Belgium


"More in the occipital cortex than meets the eyes"


  • Monday, 11 December 2023, 08h00
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