The NEUR Division is pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mrs Victoria Van Regemorter, entitled:
« Sniffin’ odors in the aging population? Smells like a new way to predict postoperative outcome! »
This defence will take place on Wednesday February 14th, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Maisin auditorium, in order to obtain the final qualification of Doctor of Biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences.
Promotors :
Prof. Caroline Huart (UCLouvain)
Prof. André Mouraux (UCLouvain)
Jury members :
Prof. Bernard Hanseeuw (Président, UCLouvain)
Prof. Mona Momeni (Secrétaire, UCLouvain)
Prof. Marie de Saint-Hubert (UCLouvain)
Prof. Philippe Rombaux (UCLouvain)
Prof. Naïma Deggouj (UCLouvain)
Prof. Marie-Agnès Docquier (UCLouvain)
Prof. Thomas Hummel (University of Dresden)
Prof. Vincent Bonhomme (ULg).