Symposium Louvain Bionics - 22 avril 2022
Friday, 22 April 2022, 08h00Friday, 22 April 2022, 17h00
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Le symposium Louvain Bionics aura lieu le 22 avril à partir de 9h, à l'auditoire Sud 09 (Place Croix du sud - LLN)
Programme :
9h-10h: Max Ortiz Catalan (Chalmers University of Technology , SW) Neuromusculoskeletal prostheses, a new concept of bionic limbs
10h-10h40: Alain Loute (UCLouvain) What ethics for e-health ?
10h40-11h00: Coffee break
11h00-11h40: Cédric Lenoir (UCLouvain, BE) Rhythm and brains: a multi-level approach to understand how the human brain processes musical rhythm
11h40-12h20: John A. Lee (UCLouvain, BE) Weak artificial intelligence to make radiation oncology and proton therapy stronger
12h40-13h00: Presentation of Incentive grant project
13h00-14h30: Lunch and Poster session