UCLouvain Brain Imaging Symposium 2020
Monday, 06 April 2020, 08h00Tuesday, 07 April 2020, 17h00
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Fahmeed Hyder, Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, US
Javier deFelipe, Cajal Institute, Madrid, ES
Dennis Klomp, Dept. Radiology, University Medical Center, Utrecht University, NL
Charlotte Stagg, Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, University of Oxford, UK
Yanniv Assaf, Dept. Neurobiochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, IL
Tim Dyrby, Danish Research Center for MR, Copenhagen University, DK
Steven Laureys, COMA Science Group, University of Liège, BE
8:15- 8:50 Registration and coffee
8:50-8:55 Welcome address - Prof. André Mouraux, president of IoNS, UCLouvain
8:55-9:00 Introduction to the program - Dr. Laurence Dricot, IoNS, UCLouvain
Morning session. MR Spectroscopy for neuroscience, cognition and beyond – chair: Ron Kupers
9:00-9:30 Basic principles of in vivo NMR Spectroscopy - Prof. Dennis Klomp, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
9:35-10:05 Brain pH imaging using H-MRS - Assoc. Prof. Daniel Coman, Yale University, New Haven, US
10:10-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:00 Metabolic nuances of activated and deactivated brain network nodes - Prof. Fahmeed Hyder, Yale University, New Haven, US
11:05-11:35 H-MRS as a tool to study the role of GABA in brain plasticity and learning - Prof. Charlotte Stagg, Oxford University, UK
11:40-12:10 H-MRS as a tool in cognitive brain research - Assoc. Prof. Gerard Dwyer, University of Bergen, Norway
12:10-12:30 General Discussion
12:30-13:30 Lunch
Afternoon session. Microstructure imaging using Diffusion MRI – chair: Philippe de Timary
13:30-14:00 Connectomics of the human brain - Prof. Javier deFelipe – Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain
14:05-14:35 Microstructure-informed tractography - Prof. Yanniv Assaf, Tel Aviv University, Israel
14:40-15:10 Advanced MRI for WM microstructure characterization in pathology: diffusion MRI and beyond - Dr. Gaetan Rensonnet, UCL, Belgium & Assoc. prof. Elda Fischi, EPLF, Lausanne, Switzerland
15:10-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:00 Validation strategies for the interpretation of microstructure imaging using diffusion MRI - Assoc. prof. Tim Dyrby, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark
16:05-16:45 Multimodal analysis of brain microstructure in alcohol use disorder - Prof. Santiago Canals Gamoneda, University of Alicante, Spain & Prof. Wolfgang Sommer, University of Mannheim (Germany)
16:45-17:00 General Discussion
17:00-17:45 Closing Lecture: Imaging the brain & mind: lessons from coma & related states - Prof. Steven Laureys, University of Liège
Registration is free but required (send an email to veronique.lambrechts@uclouvain.be)
Deadline registration: March 25th, 2020
Cave: limited number of places for workshop !
(based on a first come first served principle)