BND School 2019
irmp | Louvain-la-Neuve
This year, members of the Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) of the IRMP at UCLouvain are in charge of the organization of the 31st Belgian-Dutch-German Graduate School for Particle Physics, also known as the "BND School".
This summer school is intended primarily for high energy physicists preparing a PhD in particle physics, in particular during their first two years. The lectures cover both theoretical and experimental aspects of the field, and also include hands-on exercises and students projects.
The BND School 2019 started on the 2nd of September 2019, in Spa, for a duration of two weeks. A special off-topic lecture will take place in the evening of the 11th of September on the search for exoplanets, by Michael Gillon, leader of the Belgian team that recently hit the headlines with the discovery of the "Speculoos" planetary system.
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