cp3 |
CMS is designed to see a wide range of particles and phenomena produced in high-energy collisions in the LHC. Like a cylindrical onion, different layers of detector stop and measure the different particles, and use this key data to build up a picture of events at the heart of the collisions.
Academic staff
Research scientists
Physicists, engineers and computer scientists
PhD students
Technical staff
Click the title to show project description.-
With the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, the Standard Model of particle physics has been completed, emerging as a most successful description of matter at the smallest distance scales. But as is always the case, the observation of this particle has also heralded the dawn of a new era in the field: particle physics is now turning to the mysteries posed by the presence of dark matter in the universe, as well as the very existence of the Higgs. The upcoming run of the LHC at 13 TeV will probe possible answers to both issues, providing detailed measurements of the properties of the Higgs and extending significantly the sensitivity to new phenomena.
Since the LHC is the only accelerator currently exploring the energy frontier, it is imperative that the analyses of the collected data use the most powerful possible techniques. In recent years several analyses have utilized multi-variate analysis techniques, obtaining higher sensitivity; yet there is ample room for further improvement. With our program we will import and specialize the most powerful advanced statistical learning techniques to data analyses at the LHC, with the objective of maximizing the chance of new physics discoveries.
We have been part of AMVA4NewPhysics, a network of European institutions whose goal is to foster the development and exploitation of Advanced Multi-Variate Analysis for New Physics searches. The network offered between 2015 and 2019 extensive training in both physics and advanced analysis techniques to graduate students, focusing on providing them with the know-how and the experience to boost their career prospects in and outside academia. The network develops ties with non-academic partners for the creation of interdisciplinary software tools, allowing a successful knowledge transfer in both directions. The network studies innovative techniques and identifies their suitability to problems encountered in searches for new physics at the LHC and detailed studies of the Higgs boson sector. -
The CMS silicon strip tracker is the largest device of its type ever built. There are 24244 single-sided micro-strip sensors covering an active area of 198m2.
Physics performance of the detector are being constantly assessed and optimized as new data comes.
Members of UCL are playing a major role in the understanding of the silicon strip tracker and in the maintenance and development of the local reconstruction code. -
High-energy photon-photon and photon-proton interactions at the LHC offer interesting possibilities for the study of the electroweak sector up to TeV scale and the search for processes beyond the Standard Model. After in-depth exploratory studies, first measurements of two-photon muon pair production were performed as well as first ever observation of W boson pairs produced by photon fusion. Now unique investigations of quartic couplings between photons and W and Z bosons are being pursued.
Surveying the scientific potential of the new e-ion collider at Brookhaven (EIC) and the future LHeC at CERN. -
We take advantage of the large statistics already recorded in Run 2 and being recorded in Run 3 by the CMS experiment to launch a systematic study of cross section, angular asymmetries and other properties in the ttW and ttH processes, which have a potentially large sensitivity to non-SM effects.
In synergy with the CP3 phenomenology group, we aim at reporting our results in a form that can be easily translated in EFT constraints. -
Search for Higgs boson(s) within the Standard Model and beyond and also withing a minimal extension of the scalar sector (2HDM).
The final state under study is a Z decaying into a lepton pair associated with two b-jets. This topology is sensitive to a light SM Higgs via the associate ZH production, as well as a middle mass range SM Higgs boson via the inclusive Higgs production followed by its decay into ZZ with one Z decaying into a lepton pair and the other into bbar.
It is also very sensitive to the production of a non standard heavy Higgs boson decaying into Z plus A (pseudo scalar Higgs boson).
Similar selection (but outside of the Z window) is also sensitive to H->aa->llbb, with "a" a generic light scalar. -
A resonance consistent with the stanadard model Higgs boson with mass of about 125 GeV was discovered in 2012 by the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the LHC. Using the available dataset (2011+2012 LHC runs) evidence was later found of the existence of the SM-predicted decay into a pair of tau leptons. The CP3 Louvain group has been involved in the channel where the Higgs boson is produced in association with the Z boson and decays into a pair of tau leptons.
A search for additional Higgs bosons in the general framework of models with two Higgs doublets (2HDM) was then performed by the same CP3 group using the same final state and the full Run-1 data. Models with two Higgs doublets feature a pseudoscalar boson, A, two charged scalars (H+-) and two neutral (h0 and H0) scalars, one of which is identified with the 125 GeV SM-like Higgs resonance. In some scenarios the most favored decay chain for the discovery of the additional neutral bosons is H0-->ZA-->llττ (or llbb). The search was carried out in collaboration with another group in CP3 who looks at the llbb final state.
An update of both the SM search and the exotic one is expected using the Run-2 dataset using more advanced techniques and by adding the llee and llmumu channels. -
The lack of observed resonances produced at the LHC motivates finding new ways of searching for BSM phenomena. This project aims at discovering possible non-resonant New Physics affecting the production of Top quark pairs, by means of a dedicated analysis of data recorded by the CMS experiment. The New Physics effects are modeled using an effective field theory (EFT), whose parameters are to be measured or constrained in a global fit.
The analysis is conducted in close collaboration with phenomenologists to ensure the approach is theoretically sound and future-proof. -
The discovery of a Higgs boson (H) by the ATLAS and CMS experiments fixes the value of the self-coupling λ in the scalar potential whose form is determined by the symmetries of the Standard Model and the requirement of renormalisability. Higgs boson pair production is sensitive to the self-coupling and will play a major role in investigating the scalar potential structure.
This project consists in a search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion in the final state with two leptons, two b jets and missing transvere energy – gg → H(bb) H(WW) asking for the leptonic decay of the W's. The analysis is conducted in close collaboration with phenomenologists to ensure the approach is theoretically sound and future-proof. -
The recent discovery of a scalar boson compatible with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson opened new windows to look for physics beyond the SM (BSM). An example of newly accessible phenomenology is the production of resonances decaying into two SM Higgs bosons (h) predicted by several theory families such as additional Higgs singlet/doublet or warped extra dimension.
This project consists in a search for spin-0 or spin-2 resonances produced via gluon fusion in the final state with two leptons, two b-jets and missing transverse energy – gg → X → h(bb) h(WW) asking for the leptonic decay of the W's. In particular, we are probing a mass range between 260 GeV and 900 GeV. -
The electroweak production cross section of single top quarks is an important measurement for LHC, being a potential window on "new physics" effects.
Past achievements of this group include the very first measurement at 7 TeV (in t channel) with 2010 data, followed by the most precise inclusive cross section measurements of t-channel cross section at 7, 8 and 13 TeV, and the first differential measurements at 13 TeV; the most precise |Vtb| extraction from single top in the world; the first measurement of W-helicity fractions in a single-top topology; the first observation of the tW production mode; the first measurement of single-top polarization in t channel; stringent limits on anomalous tWb, tgu, tgc couplings. -
We are involved in the activities of the btag POG (performance object group) of CMS, in release and data validation and purity measurement. We are also interested in btagging in special cases like for colinear b-jets. Furthermore, we are involved in the re-optimization and improvement of the Combined Secondary Vertex (CSV) tagger for the 2012 analyses.
Development of the "phase II" upgrade for the CMS silicon strip stracker.
More precisely, we are involved in the development of the uTCA-based DAQ system and in the test/validation of the first prototype modules. We take active part to the various test-beam campaigns (CERN, DESY, ...)
This activity will potentially make use of the cyclotron of UCL, the probe stations and the SYCOC setup (SYstem de mesure de COllection de Charge) to test the response to laser light, radioactive sources and beams.
The final goal is to take a leading role in the construction of part of the CMS Phase-II tracker. -
The top quark, being the heaviest known elementary particle, is a powerful tool to test QCD.
The study of top quark pair production in Heavy Ion collisions at the LHC, making use of the dedicated Pb-Pb and p-Pb runs, will open a new road in the investigation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma.
This research project started with the first measurement of top-pair cross section in pp collisions at 5.02 TeV, taking advantage of a "reference run" in Nov.2015. We then update the result with a new publication making use of the larger statistics collected at the end of 2017. This measurement, in addition to being useful as a reference for measurements in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the same center-of-mass energy per nucleon, also provides a significant broadening of the lever arm for global PDF fits making use of top-quark data.
We then reported the first observation of top quark production in p-Pb collisions, using the data at 8.16 TeV taken in Nov.2016, testing the models of nuclear modification of the gluon PDF at high Bjorken-x. Finally, we provided evidence of top quark production also in Pb-Pb collisions.
We are interested in using future PbPb collision data to probe the time evolution of the QGP using top quarks. -
The World LHC Computing GRID (WLCG) is the worldwide distributed computing infrastructure controlled by software middleware that allows a seamless usage of shared storage and computing resources.
About 10 PBytes of data are produced every year by the experiments running at the LHC collider. This data must be processed (iterative and refined calibration and analysis) by a large scientific community that is widely distributed geographically.
Instead of concentrating all necessary computing resources in a single location, the LHC experiments have decided to set-up a network of computing centres distributed all over the world.
The overall WLCG computing resources needed by the CMS experiment alone in 2016 amount to about 1500 kHepSpec06 of computing power, 90 PB of disk storage and 150 PB of tape storage. Working in the context of the WLCG translates into seamless access to shared computing and storage resources. End users do not need to know where their applications run. The choice is made by the underlying WLCG software on the basis of availability of resources, demands of the user application (CPU, input and output data,..) and privileges owned by the user.
Back in 2005 UCL proposed the WLCG Belgian Tier2 project that would involve the 6 Belgian Universities involved in CMS. The Tier2 project consists of contributing to the WLCG by building two computing centres, one at UCL and one at the IIHE (ULB/VUB).
The UCL site of the WLCG Belgian Tier2 is deployed in a dedicated room close to the cyclotron control room of the IRMP Institute and is currently a fully functional component of the WLCG.
The UCL Belgian Tier2 project also aims to integrate, bring on the GRID, and share resources with other scientific computing projects. The projects currently integrated in the UCL computing cluster are the following: MadGraph/MadEvent, NA62 and Cosmology.
Recent Publications
Click the title to show details.-
CMS Collaboration, December 17, 2018
[Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, July 6, 2018
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, July 6, 2018
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, June 6, 2018
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, March 5, 2018
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, March 5, 2018
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Hamed Bakhshiansohi, January 29, 2018
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
Hamed Bakhshiansohi, January 29, 2018
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
Hamed Bakhshiansohi, January 29, 2018
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text]
CMS collaboration, December 13, 2017
Refereed paper. [Full text] -
O. Bondu, S. Brochet, C. Delaere, M. Delcourt, B. Francois, V. Lemaitre, M. Vidal Marono, S. Wertz, August 21, 2017
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
O. Bondu, S. Brochet, C. Delaere, M. Delcourt, B. François, V. Lemaître, M. Vidal Marono, S. Wertz, August 21, 2017
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, June 6, 2017
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, April 4, 2017
[Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, March 26, 2017
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, December 1, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, June 16, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
ATLAS and CMS collaborations, May 24, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, April 28, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, April 28, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, April 27, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, April 22, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, April 22, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, April 22, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, March 25, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, March 3, 2016
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, December 1, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, December 1, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, October 29, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, October 3, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, September 14, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, September 1, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, September 1, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, July 24, 2015
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
C. Delaere, B. Francois, V. Lemaitre, A. Mertens, M. Vidal Marono, December 1, 2014
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
Abideh Jafari and Andrea Giammanco, November 30, 2014
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
R. Castello, A. Caudron, C. Delaere, T.A. du Pree, A. Mertens, November 24, 2014
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, September 30, 2014
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, July 1, 2014
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, July 1, 2014
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, July 1, 2014
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, July 1, 2014
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
E. Boos, V. Bunichev, L. Dudko, N. Tsirova, A. Markina, M. Perfilov, A. Popov, I. Myagkov, I. Shvetsov, G. Vorotnikov, S. Bitioukov, D. Konstantinov, A. Giammanco, J. Hansen, J. Komaragiri, D. Martschei, Th. Muller, J. Ott, T. Peiffer, S. Rocker, J. Wagner-Kuhr, A. O. M. Iorio, M. Merola, L. Lista, A. Jafari, June 12, 2014
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, June 9, 2014
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Andrea Giammanco, June 9, 2014
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
Andrea Giammanco, June 9, 2014
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
T. Chwalek, A. Giammanco, M. Kadastik, M. Komm, D. Konstantinov, J. Pata, S. Rocker, A. Tiko, F. Roscher, J. Wagner-Kuhr, June 9, 2014
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
A. Jafari, A. O. Iorio, J. D'Hondt, J. Wagner Kuhr, L. Lista, R. Gonzalez Suarez, A. Giammanco, June 7, 2014
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
A. Anuar, A. Bean, K. Bloom, C. Boeser, T. Chwalek, S. Fink, A. Giammanco, R. Gonzalez Suarez, D. Knowlton, J. Komaragiri, M. Komm, B. Maier, D. Noonan, A. Popov, J. Wagner-Kuhr, June 7, 2014
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
T. Chwalek, A. Giammanco, A. O. M. Iorio, M. Kadastik, M. Komm, D. Konstantinov, J. Pata, M. Piibeleht, A. Popov, L. Rebane, A. Remm, S. Roecker, A. Tiko, F. Roscher, J. Wagner-Kuhr, September 23, 2013
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, September 23, 2013
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, August 26, 2013
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
A. Pin V. Lemaitre C. Beluffi J. Vizan , August 26, 2013
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
Tristan du Pree (for the CMS Collaboration), August 26, 2013
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, August 26, 2013
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Tristan du Pree, Roberto Castello, Ludivine Ceard, Anne-Marie Magnan, Andrew Gilbert, Christophe Delaere, Adrien Caudron, Jerome de Favereau, August 26, 2013
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
A. Descroix, T. du Pree, P. Van Mulders, G. Van Onsem, J. Vizan, August 26, 2013
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
Wolfgang Adam, J\'er\'emy Andrea, Camille Beluffi, Daniel Bloch, Adrien Caudron, Harry Cheung, Caroline Collard, Thomas Danielson, Alexis Descroix, Tristan du Pree, Juan Pablo Fernandez Ramos, Cristina Ferro, Alex Garabedian, Pablo Goldenzweig, Juan Pablo Gomez Cardona, Rebekka Hoing, Ketino Kaadze, James Keaveney, Dan Knowlton, Patricia Lobelle Pardo, Michael Maes, Sudhir Malik, Ivan Marchesini, Ernesto Migliore, Niklas Mohr, Marco Musich, Meenakshi Narain, Andrea Rizzi, Alexander Schmidt, Luca Scodellaro, Michael Segala, Pedro Silva, Thomas Speer, Alberto Traverso, Pierre Van Hove, Petra Van Mulders, Gerrit Van Onsem, Caterina Vernieri, Jesus Vizan, Roberval Walsh, Jinzhong Zhang, August 26, 2013
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
A.Pin, T. du Pree, R. Castello, J. Vizan C. Beluffi, A. Caudron, C. Delaere, V. Lemaitre, August 26, 2013
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
Tristan du Pree (for the CMS Collaboration), August 26, 2013
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
Wolfgang Adam, J\'er\'emy Andrea, Camille Beluffi, Daniel Bloch, Adrien Caudron, Harry Cheung, Caroline Collard, Thomas Danielson, Alexis Descroix, Tristan du Pree, Alberto Escalante, Dinko Ferencek, Juan Pablo Fernandez Ramos, Cristina Ferro, Alex Garabedian, Pablo Goldenzweig, Juan Pablo Gomez Cardona, Rebekka Hoing, Ketino Kaadze, James Keaveney, Dan Knowlton, Patricia Lobelle Pardo, Michael Maes, Sudhir Malik, Ivan Marchesini, Ernesto Migliore, Niklas Mohr, Marco Musich, Meenakshi Narain, Andrea Rizzi, Alexander Schmidt, Luca Scodellaro, Michael Segala, Pedro Silva, Thomas Speer, Alberto Traverso, Pierre Van Hove, Petra Van Mulders, Gerrit Van Onsem, Caterina Vernieri, Jesus Vizan, Roberval Walsh, Jinzhong Zhang, August 26, 2013
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, May 31, 2013
Refereed paper. [Abstract] [PDF] [Journal] [Dial] [Full text 1] [Full text 2] -
CMS Collaboration, May 6, 2013
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, May 6, 2013
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, May 6, 2013
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, March 7, 2013
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Andrea Giammanco, February 14, 2013
Refereed paper. [Full text] -
Rahmat Rahmat and Andrea Giammanco, September 28, 2012
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
CMS Collaboration, September 28, 2012
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, May 23, 2012
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
R. Castello, L. Ceard, C. Delaere, A. Pin, and T.A. du Pree , May 23, 2012
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, February 9, 2012
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
R. Castello, L. Ceard, C. Delaere, T.A. Du Pree, A. Gilbert, N.Heracleous, A.M. Magnan, February 9, 2012
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
R. Castello, L. Ceard, C. Delaere, T.A. du Pree, A. Gilbert, J. Hauk, N. Heracleous, A.-M. Magnan, E. Migliore, M. Musich, and A. Nikitenko, February 9, 2012
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
Tristan du Pree, Ludivine Ceard, Jerome de Favereau, Christophe Delaere, February 9, 2012
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, September 28, 2011
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, June 30, 2011
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, March 11, 2011
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
L. Ceard, J. de Favereau, C. Delaere and T. du Pree , March 11, 2011
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
S. Basegmez, G. Bruno, D. Pagano et al., February 9, 2011
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, February 8, 2011
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
A. Giammanco, December 31, 2010
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
J. Caudron, A. Giammanco, A. Pin, V. Lemaitre, December 31, 2010
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
CMS collaboration, December 31, 2010
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
P. Azzurri, J. Caudron, D. Dobur, A. Hinzmann, T. Klimkovich, S. Lowette, July 29, 2010
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
J. Caudron, A. Giammanco, A. Hinzmann, T. Klimkovich, P. Azzurri, S. Lowette, D. Dobur, July 29, 2010
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, July 29, 2010
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Nicolas Schul for the CMS Collaboration, July 1, 2010
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
Luukka, P. and others, February 12, 2010
Refereed paper. [Journal] -
Nicolas Schul, August 6, 2009
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, July 8, 2009
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
J. Caudron, A. Giammanco, V. Lemaitre, July 8, 2009
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, July 8, 2009
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
A. Giammanco, J. Weinelt, T. Mueller, J. Wagner-Kuhr, P. Sturm, W. Wagner, D. Konstantinov, V. Molchanov, A. Jafari, M. Mohammadi Najafabadi, E. Boos, L. Dudko, A. Markina, July 8, 2009
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
Loic Quertenmont, May 15, 2009
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
Loic Quertenmont & Vincent Roberfroid, April 27, 2009
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Loic Quertenmont, January 27, 2009
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
Loic Quertenmont, Vincent Roberfroid, January 18, 2009
[Full text] -
A.Dierlamm, G.Dirkes, M.Fahrer, M.Frey, F.Hartmann, L.Masetti, O.Militaru, S.Youssaf Shah, R.Stringer, A.Tsirou, December 31, 2008
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
T. Bergauer, et al., December 22, 2008
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Maria Hansen et al., December 22, 2008
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, December 11, 2008
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
J.-L. Bonnet, G. Bruno, B. De Callatay, B. Florins, A. Giammanco, G. Gregoire, Th. Keutgen, D. Kcira, V. Lemaitre, D. Michotte, O. Militaru, K. Piotrzkowski, L. Quertermont, V. Roberfroid, X. Rouby, D. Teyssier et al. (>100 authors), December 10, 2008
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
S. Assouak, J.-L. Bonnet, G. Bruno, B. de Callatay, S. de Visscher, D. Favart, B. Florins, E. Forton5, A. Giammanco, G. Gregoire, S. Kalinin, D. Kcira, Th. Keutgen, V. Lemaitre, D. Michotte, O. Militaru, S. Ovyn, K. Piotrzkowski, X. Rouby, D. Teyssier, O. Van der Aa et al. (> 100 authors), December 10, 2008
Refereed paper. [Journal] [Full text] -
Andrea Giammanco, December 9, 2008
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, December 9, 2008
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, December 9, 2008
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
G. Bruno for the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, December 9, 2008
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
A. Giammanco, November 18, 2008
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
S. Ovyn on behalf of the CMS Collaboration, June 6, 2008
Contribution to proceedings. [Full text] -
S. Ovyn, X. Rouby, J.J. Hollar for the CMS Forward Physics Group, February 28, 2008
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
J. Hollar, S. Ovyn, X. Rouby, October 22, 2007
Private experimental note. [Full text] -
The CMS Collaboration, February 17, 2006
Public experimental note. [Journal] -
S. Assouak, J. L. Bonnet, G. Bruno, J. Caudron, B. de Callatay, J. de Favereau de Jeneret, S. de Visscher, C. Delaere, P. Demin, D. Favart, E. Feltrin, E. Forton, G. Grégoire, S. Kalinin, D. Kcira, T. Keutgen, G. Leibenguth, V. Lemaitre, Y. Liu, D. Michotte, O. Militaru, A. Ninane, S. Ovyn, T. Pierzchala, K. Piotrzkowski, V. Roberfroid, X. Rouby, D. Teyssier, O. van der Aa, M. Vander Donckt and CMS Collaboration, December 25, 2006
Refereed paper. [Journal] -
V. Lemaitre (collaboration CMS), March 1, 2006
Refereed paper. [Journal] -
P. Demin, S. de Visscher, A. Bocci, R. Ranieri , December 31, 2006
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Kodolova, Olga and Bruno, G. and Vardanian, I. and Nikitenko, A. and Fano, L., March 22, 2005
Refereed paper. [Journal] -
Arcidiacono R, et al., July 1, 2005
Refereed paper. [Journal] -
W. Adam et al. - 404 authors, May 11, 2005
Refereed paper. [Journal] -
CMS Collaboration, June 15, 2005
Public experimental note. [Full text] -
Brauer, R. and others, December 14, 2005
Public experimental note. [Full text]