Tests of electronic devices
irmp | Louvain-la-Neuve
CYCLONE, the cyclotron of Louvain-la-Neuve is able to accelerate different types
of ions which may be used for the characterization of electronic components.
Several beam lines are used for these tests :
- Heavy Ion Facility (HIF)
- Light Ion Facility (LIF)
- Neutron Iradiation Facility (NIF)
- A Cobalt60 source is also proposed for Gamma Irradiation (GIF)
The heavy ion and proton facilities are recognized and supported by ESA.
The CRC is involved in two European projects which provide transnational access to different testing facilities across Europe :
The beam time planning is defined every six months for the heavy and light ions.
Beam time planning :
If you want to reserve a period, please send us the beam request form.
For other types of beams, please contact us.