isp | Louvain-la-Neuve
The IPB currently offers two subscription formulas:
The English-language site is gradually being launched. Visit our international pages.
The IPB currently offers two subscription formulas:
One-year subscription - €500 (including 21% VAT), €413.22 excluding VAT
This subscription guarantees access to all members of the subscribing institution, including multisite access.
To subscribe to our database, you must first register on our website. On this page, click on "subscribe" in the "Institution subscription" box. Then fill in the registration form with your contact details and authentication method*. This registration form only needs to be completed for the first year of subscription and is now available on our website.
Once you have registered, you will have a free trial period of one month. Before the end of this month, you will be invited by our partner to proceed with payment**. If you wish, you can also pay directly by clicking on the link provided. You will then be redirected to the page of our payment partner (i6doc) via the Presses universitaires de Louvain. Once your purchase has been validated, you will receive confirmation that you have access to our database.
* If you choose to authenticate via IP addresses, please note that our database does not accept IP ranges separated by hyphens (XXXX - XXXX). To ensure correct registration, make sure you convert your ranges to CIDR format, for example using this converter. If you have any problems registering, please contact us.
** If you use the services of a subscription agency and that agency has already paid for your subscription, you will not receive this reminder e-mail and your access will open automatically as soon as payment has been validated.
If you have any questions about the database or the registration process, please contact our team at ipb-isp@uclouvain.be
One-year subscription - €90 (including 21% VAT), €75 excluding VAT
The subscription for individuals will be available from January 2024. To subscribe to our database, you must first register on our website. Fill in the registration form with your contact details. This registration form only needs to be completed once.
Once you have registered, you will be able to pay by clicking on the link provided. This link will redirect you to the page of our payment partner (i6doc) via the Presses universitaires de Louvain. Once your purchase has been validated, you will receive confirmation that you have access to our database.
In order to familiarize yourself with the interface, you also have the option of testing the database via a version with limited results. To do this, simply register without paying and then log in. The limited version will be replaced by the full version as soon as you have paid your subscription.
If you have any questions about the database or the registration process, please contact our team at ipb-isp@uclouvain.be.
at ipb-isp@uclouvain.be
Access directly our database or create a personal account. This account will allow you to keep your search history and export your results.
For members of subscribed institutions:
For individuals:
Create your personal account. To do this, click on "create an account" and enter an e-mail address and password. Once your account has been created, you will be redirected to the login page where you can log in using your login details.
For more information or if you have any questions about the database, please contact our team at ipb-isp@uclouvain.be.