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Mercier Prize 2025

isp | Louvain-la-Neuve

12 September 2024, modified on 13 February 2025

The Cardinal Mercier Foundation of the UCLouvain, created in 1974, awards the Mercier Prize annually. This prize is intended to reward work relating to metaphysics, "first" philosophy or ontology in its relationship with the contemporary world.

Application deadline: February 15, 2025

►► Important : full regulations and application procedure here .

Award winners

2024 | Prof. Mariusz Tabaczek (Angelicum, Rome)
2023 | Fabien Müller (Harvard University)
2021 | Dr William Simpson (University of Cambridge)
2020 | Prof. Hernán Inverso (University of Buenos Aires)
2019 | Paul Humphreys (University of Virginia)

Mercier Prize Rules

1. The Institut supérieur de philosophie (ISP) of UCLouvain and the Hoger Instituut Voor Wijsbegeerte (HIW) of KU Leuven are now awarding the annual Mercier Prize.

2. The prize is intended to reward works related to metaphysics, "first" philosophy, or ontology in their relation to the contemporary world.

3. Exclusively historical works are not eligible.
4. The same work may not be submitted more than twice for the Mercier Prize.

5. Only manuscripts that are unpublished or published during the 5 years prior to the application date are eligible.

6. With the exception of the permanent members of ISP and HIW (including emeriti professors), the prize is open to students, researchers or professors, both Belgian and foreign, with no preference given regarding language.

7. Works submitted or published in the collections of the ISP or HIW, regardless of the author, are not eligible.

8. The final date for submitting an application is February 15.

9. The selection committee for the Mercier Prize consists of an equal number of members from each institution, with a minimum of two per institute. The jury may decide to invite external members.

10. The primary selection criterion for the award will be the scientific quality of the work.

11. In even-numbered years, the HIW will be responsible for the organization of the ceremony and the payment of the € 2,500 prize; in odd-numbered years, it will be the ISP.

12. Candidates should apply to the president of the ISP or HIW (see below) by submitting one digital and two hard copies of their work, as well as a curriculum vitae. Copies will not be returned.

Application files should be sent to the following address:

Président·e de l’ISP
Institut supérieur de philosophie
place du Cardinal Mercier 14 bte. L3.06.01, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique.

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