Code essentiel - Code de droit électoral 2024
ispole | Louvain-la-Neuve
Code essentiel - Code de droit électoral 2024
Élections européennes, fédérales, régionales, provinciales et communales
The Electoral Law Code is an indispensable, practical and accessible tool for understanding and mastering the Belgian electoral system.
It covers the main legal rules governing the organization of European, federal, regional, provincial and municipal elections.
The Code has been designed primarily to meet the needs of all those involved in the forthcoming elections, be they candidates, presidents and secretaries of polling stations, assessors, political parties or, of course, voters, lawyers or journalists.
It is an extension of the reference work Les systèmes électoraux de la Belgique (Larcier-Intersentia, 2024,3rd edition), which contains 25 chapters covering, in five parts, representative democracy in Belgium, those involved in elections, the electoral campaign, the ballot and its procedures, and post-electoral issues. Four appendices complete the book, providing a comprehensive overview of election dates since 1830, electoral constituency delimitations with maps, election results since 1847 and, with the help of a diagram, the historical development of political parties in Belgium.
The texts are coordinated and updated in line with the provisions published in the Moniteur belge on March 15, 2024.