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Fabienne Leloup, co-author of a "Courrier du CRiSP" issue

ispole | Louvain-la-Neuve

13 December 2024

The refugee and covid crises, not to mention the war in Ukraine, have transformed the status of borders and cross-border cooperation within the European Union. Fabienne Leloup, Eric Delecosse and Loïc Delhuvenne in the double issue 2526-2527 of Courrier hebdomadaire du CRiSP explain and analyze one of the instruments implemented by the EU to support the institutionalization of cross-border cooperation.

The issue "The Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis, an instrument for the institutionalization of cross-border cooperation" Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 2526-2527, 5-90, is available on the  La librairie du CRISP or via the website