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Les partis libéraux en Belgique : des partis frères ?

ispole | Louvain-la-Neuve

13 December 2024

Benjamin Biard. Les partis libéraux en Belgique : des partis frères ? published in Dutch under the title « De liberale partijen in België: zusterpartijen? », in : Liberas Stories, September 1 2023, 


While being the oldest party in Belgium and one of the oldest in Europe, the Liberal Party experienced a major split in the early 1970s against the backdrop of community tensions. New political formations emerged as a result, contributing to the fragmentation of the Belgian political landscape. Conventionally referred to as 'sister parties,' they evolved in a completely autonomous manner. Nevertheless, they maintained privileged relations. This article provides a historical overview of the unitary development of the Liberal Party and its split before examining the similarities and differences among its heirs and the relationships maintained among them today.