"The Politicization of the European Union From Processes to Consequences", a book coedited by Th. Laloux, D. Pennetreau et al.
ispole | Louvain-la-Neuve
Tha book "The Politicization of the European Union From Processes to Consequences" is in open access: https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/59861, coedited by Anne-Marie Houde, Thomas Laloux, Morgan Le Corre Juratic, Heidi Mercenier, Damien Pennetreau and Alban Versailles.
Find out the main results of this book presented by Damien Pennetreau et Thomas Laloux on BePolitix :“Chassez le politique, il peut revenir au galop. Les diverses conséquences de la politisation de l’UE", https://absp.be/Blog/consequences-politisation-ue/