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IRES Lunch Seminar - Diego Malo Rico, IRES

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Diego Malo Rico

(IRES/LIDAM, UClouvain)

will give a presentation on

Static Model of Violent Groups: Give me my Dollars!

Abstract: African countries, where most contemporary civil conflicts are concentrated, have a high unexplained variation in the number of violent groups. This project aims to explore this variation constructing a theoretical framework based on Industrial Organization literature of market entry. This framework treats the number of violent groups as endogenous outcomes, modelling the potential entrant decision to enter or not in a region. Observing how violent groups decisions change, as their choice sets and region condition changes, we can shed light about the role of different variables explaining the number of violent groups across regions in Africa.



  • Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 08h00
    Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 17h00
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