Handover of LouRIM presidency and Extraordinary Council
Monday, 02 September 2024, 08h00Monday, 02 September 2024, 17h00
On September 2, join us to celebrate the passing of the torch from our former president, Valérie Swaen, to the new president, Karine Charry. This festive moment will be an opportunity to get to know Karine better, as well as to discover her program and her team for the next three years. As a little bonus, it will also allow us all to reconnect after the summer.
11:00 AM – Extraordinary council meeting: presentation of the Bureau team and objectives for 2024-2025
11:45 AM – Ordinary council meeting (non-council members will be asked to leave)
12:00 PM – Festive drink
Don't forget to register for this wonderful event in the life of our institute!
A carpooling is organized, you can sign up a a driver or a passenger here