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Public thesis defense of Santiago Villarreal

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Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences


The Rector of UCLouvain and the Doctoral Commission in Economics and Management Sciences announce that Mr. Santiago Villarreal Narvaez will publicly support his dissertation, for the title of Doctor in Engineering and Technology of UCLouvain.


A Software Suite Supporting the Design of Gesture Elicitation Studies

How can we provide designers and developers with some support to identify the most appropriate gestures for gestural user interfaces depending on their context of use? To address this research question, we develop GEStory and GESistat.


To feed GEStory and implement GESistat, we have conducted two systematic literature reviews (SLR) of Gesture Elicitation Study (GES): a macroscopic analysis of 216 papers on their metadata, such as authors, definitions, year of publication, type of publication, participants, referents, parts of the body (finger, hand, wrist, arm, head, leg, foot, and Whole body), number of proposed gestures; a microscopic analysis of 267 papers analyzing and classifying the referents, the final gestures coming out the consensus set, their representation, and characterization. We also propose an assessment of the credibility of these studies as a measure for categorizing their strength of impact. Based on the information analyzed in our SLR, we identify opportunities for new studies focused on gesture elicitation with end users. As a result, we present our new GES that contributes to the literature.

GEStory acts as an interactive design space for gestural interaction to inform researchers and practitioners about existing preferred gestures in different contexts of use, and enable the identification of gaps and opportunities for new studies.

GESistat, a cloud computing platform that supports gesture elicitation studies distributed in time and space structured into the GES workflow.



For the good organisation of this event, please inform Santiago Villarreal of your presence. 


  • Monday, 16 January 2023, 08h00
    Monday, 16 January 2023, 17h00
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