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Workshop by Giacomo Del Chiappa (University of Sassari)

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Mixed method research: principles, types and applications

Prof. Giacomo Del Chiappa, Department of Economics and Business - University of Sassari

Mixed methods occur when in specific research project a researcher, or a team of research, combines qualitative and quantitative approaches with the aim of achieving breadth and depth of understanding and corroboration in their study.

This module will discuss the nature and the foundation of mixed methods and its different types (namely: exploratory sequential design, convergent parallel design, and explanatory sequential design) meanwhile presenting the main criteria that should drive researchers in selecting the specific type of mixed method to be used for the specific purposes of their research project. For this purpose, examples of published paper will be presented and discussed seeking to create a “friendly and interactive” in-class atmosphere.


Giacomo Del Chiappa Bio 

Giacomo Del Chiappa (PhD) is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Department of Economics and Business, University of Sassari (Italy), where he teaches “Tourism Marketing and Management”, “Destination Management and Digital Marketing Lab” and “Service and Retail Marketing”. He is also Senior Research Fellow at the School of Tourism & Hospitality of University of Johannesburg (South Africa). Giacomo has covered the role of scientific coordinator of the Competence Center “Advanced Robotics and enabling digital Technology and Systems – ARTES 4.0”, University of Sassari. He has also acted as the co-chair of the Tourism, Culture and Arts Marketing SIG of the Italian Marketing Association, where he currently sits in the Board of Directors. Yet, he is Associate Researcher, National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean.

His research is related to destination governance and branding, tourism marketing, hotel marketing, tourism sustainability, consumer/tourist behavior, services marketing, digital marketing and airport marketing.

He is Co-editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Tourism Research and member of numerous editorial boards of national and international scientific journals. He is author and co-author of around 200 national and international publications. Among others, he has published in: Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Contemporary and Hospitality Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management. He regularly teaches in PhD programs, Masters and EMBA in Italy and abroad in the areas of consumer behavior, tourist behavior, destination management and hospitality marketing and management.


  • Monday, 06 February 2023, 08h00
    Monday, 06 February 2023, 17h00
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