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Materials seen on a nanometer scale: LACAMI acquires a new high-resolution transmission electron microscope

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6 December 2024

A millimeter is already small. So imagine a nanometer: it's one millionth of a millimeter...

Developing new materials necessarily involves a complete understanding of the links between elaboration parameters, the resulting microstructure and, ultimately, the working properties of materials.

Today, the microstructural characterisation of functional nanolayers, functionalised nanoparticles, materials architected by additive manufacturing methods, etc. requires increasingly finer scales - nanometric or even atomic - made accessible by transmission electron microscopy.

The LACAMI platform has just acquired a new high-resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) co-financed by the Grand Equipement-FNRS call, UCLouvain and UNamur.

This microscope will enable the development of fundamental and applied research, but will also support industrial production through more specific expertise.

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Picture credits: LACaMI